3rd Case of nCOV reported in India; Latest on 2019 coronavirus

Anju Bisht

, Health A2Z


Third Case of nCOV reported in India


The third case of novel coronavirus reported in Kerala, India. The patient again is a student from Wuhan University, now in an isolation ward at Kanhangad district hospital in Kasaragod.


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KK Shailaja Kerala Health Minister informed “The patient is under treatment at the Kanjangad District Hospital in Kasaragod. The patient’s condition is stable. The patient had returned from Wuhan, China.”


The students earlier tested positive were from Thrissur and Alapuzha districts. 1,999 People with a travel history from China and other affected countries are under surveillance in Kerala. In reference, 75 in isolation wards of various hospitals and remaining 1,924 are under home quarantine.



Latest on 2019 coronavirus: 323 Indian with 7 Maldivians  evacuated from Virus epicenter


The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the global health emergency with 361 deaths and 17,205 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus. On Sunday, 323 Indians were brought along with 7 Maldivians from the virus’s epicenter by the second Air India flight.


Earlier, the first India flight Boeing 747 brought 324 Indians back from Wuhan on Saturday.




Mr. Misri said, 4 Indians could not board the second flight after they reported high temperatures. As for Saturday, there were 6 Indians stopped by the Chinese immigration officials and could not board the first flight, due to high temperatures.


Doctor’s opinion N95 is not compulsory; 3 layered surgical masks fine


The 2019 novel coronavirus (nCoV) can travel 2-3 feet distance said experts, according to the data from China. Dr. V Ramasubramanian, Chennai-based internal medicine specialist urge general people to not use a mask until you travel to an affected zone. He said, “Only if you travel to an affected zone, use a triple-layered surgical mask.”


Dr. Om Srivastava, Infectious diseases specialist informed, “Only people in healthcare settings who are going to be constantly around infected people need an N95 mask.”



A study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association in 2009 concluded, N95 and surgical mask’s effectiveness is nearly similar in preventing influenza among healthcare workers.


Dr. George Oomen, an Infectious diseases specialist said: “Along with wearing a surgical mask, one needs to wash hands regularly as well.”


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Source 1: Economics Times

Source 2: NDTV

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