Top 10 Tips to Improve Infertility in Both Men & Women

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Are you trying to have a baby? It is such an emotional time for any couple with ups and downs both. If you’re facing trouble to conceive or fertility, it can make you feel scared or lost. So, here we are discussing the best tips to improve infertility both in men and women.


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Simple changes in your eating habits and lifestyle, such as eating certain foods and avoiding others is something which can help you to improve infertility.


Eating as if you’re already pregnant can actually help prime your body for conception,” says Sarah Krieger, R.D., a nutritionist based in St. Petersburg, Florida.


Top 10 Tips to Improve Infertility in Both Men & Women




What are the Causes of Infertility?


In Women


  • Increased levels of prolactin




  • Presence of endometriosis


  • Improper nutritionHigher age


  • Celiac disease


In Men


  • Imbalance of hormones


  • Improper nutrition


  • Varicocele condition


  • Issues surrounding ejaculation


  • Presence of anti-sperm antibodies


  • Certain medications affecting fertility


  • Exposure to chemical and harmful environmental conditions


  • A higher level of alcohol consumption, smoking, drug use, etc.




Top 10 Tips to Improve Infertility in Both Men & Women:



1. Eat Rich in Antioxidants Foods:

Antioxidants can improve fertility for men as well as women. The free radical can damage both sperm and egg cells, Antioxidants helps to deactivate these free radicals.


Foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains are having beneficial antioxidants like vitamins C and E, beta-carotene folate, and lutein.



2. Eat Huge Breakfast:

Eating a breakfast in required amount may help women with fertility problems. It helps to improve the hormonal effects of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is one of the bigger cause of infertility.


A study shows that women who ate a bigger breakfast ovulated 30% more than women who ate a smaller breakfast and a bigger dinner.



3. Avoid Trans Fats:


Trans fats can increase the risk of ovulatory infertility, because of their effects on insulin.

It is generally found in hydrogenated vegetable oils which is generally used in some margarine, processed products, fried foods, and baked goods.



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4. Cut Down on Carbs:


A lower-carb diet is usually good for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

As carb intake increased, the risk of infertility also increased.”

In the study, women who ate more carbs are at 78% higher risks of ovulatory infertility than those who intake a lower-carb diet.



5. Eat More Fiber:

Fiber helps your body to reduce excess hormones. Some high-fiber foods are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans.

It also can help to remove excess estrogen from the body as a waste product and improve infertility.



6. Swap Protein Sources:


Replace animal proteins like meat, fish, and eggs with vegetable protein sources like beans, nuts and seeds are linked to a reduced risk of infertility.


A study showed that when 5% of total calories came from vegetable protein instead of animal protein, the risk of ovulatory infertility decreased by more than 50%.



7. Choose High-Fat Diary:

High intakes of low-fat dairy foods may also increase the risk of infertility, wherever high-fat dairy foods may decrease it. It found that women who eat up one or more meals of high-fat dairy per day were 27% less likely to be infertile.



8. Get Active:

Exercise is always good for health, even good to improve infertility. In fact, an inactive or sitting lifestyle has lead to a higher risk of infertility.

A study shows that an hour per week of exercise is leading to a 5% lower risk of infertility.

Specially obese women, including both moderate and intense physical activity, together with weight loss, had a positive effect on fertility.



9. Cut The Caffeine:

Caffeine has a bad effect on female fertility A high caffeine intake before or during pregnancy can lead the risk of miscarriage.



10. Avoid Excess Alcohol:

Alcohol consumption can also lead to infertility. However, it’s unclear how much alcohol is needed to cause this effect. A study found that women who drink more than 8 drinks per week took a longer time to get pregnant.


Another study at alcoholics based on men found that only 12% of the men had completely normal and healthy sperm counts, as compared to 37 percent of non-smokers and non-alcoholics.


Well, the proof of moderate alcohol use is mixed. A study found no connection between moderate use and infertility, while other reports that moderate use can also affect fertility.






So, here are the tips to improve infertility. Hope, It may help you to cope up with these issues. Still, if you are facing a problem to have a baby then consult your doctor first, either men or women.



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