Don’t Forget To Follow These 6 Safety Tips For New Normal

Anurag Bhardwaj

, Health A2Z


Since coronavirus came to India, The life of many people has changed whether it is related to money, safety, job, or many more. Before March, life was easy and normal and now it has completely changed. Now, there are so many safety norms to obey like wearing a mask or washing hands regularly.


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Students are not allowed to go to school. However, Students are learning digitally which is completely new to all the children. The government is taking the initiative to set some rules for the betterment of the people.


Some Common safety tips for new normal


Maintain social distancing


Don't forget to follow these 6 safety tips for new normal3


This is one of the important features to keep in mind while going out for work or exercise or anything else. Coronavirus is a contagious disease that can be controlled by following social distancing. Sometimes people are not able to find out whether the person they are talking to is infected or not because of asymptomatic(no symptoms are shown) response that is why social distancing is mandatory for avoiding COVID-19.


Eat healthy live healthy


Don't forget to follow these 6 safety tips for new normal


Immunity plays an important role in keeping us safe from any disease. To maintain or form good immunity power one should always eat healthy food and avoid eating junk food. Maintaining a healthy diet is very important for boosting immunity.


Wearing a mask


Don't forget to follow these 6 safety tips for new normal2


Coronavirus is a contagious disease which transmits from person to person. So, to avoid being infected, People should wear a mask. The mask should cover the mouth and nose and make sure that the distance of the mask form the face should be very minimal. Always remember after using the mask once, a new mask should be used.


Washing hands regularly


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Always wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds after touching any object like a chair, desk, table, door, etc.. As coronavirus is a contagious disease so, it can be transmitted through hands also that is why doctors have recommended washing hands at regular interval of time.


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Stay home stay safe


Don't forget to follow these 6 safety tips for new normal5


Do not go out until and unless it is very important. Self-isolate yourself if you find any mild symptoms like Cough, Mild-fever, Headache until you recover. Wear a mask when there is a need to go out for some urgent work. Chances of getting infected become very less if there is no contact with the outsiders.


Take Social Responsibility


Avoid believing everything you hear about COVID-19. Some people spread fake news about coronavirus on social media platforms. Avoid splitting, smoking, and drinking in public areas. One should not blame an infected person for the spread of coronavirus. Spreading awareness will be very beneficial for helping each other to follow norms and regulations even after the lockdown.




In short, The coronavirus has forced the world to accept drastic changes. Now even after the lockdown gets lifted, the offices, educational institutions, public gathering places will have to adopt precautionary measures to stop the spreading of coronavirus but most importantly every individual needs to be aware and careful of the benefit of their own. People just need to follow all the norms given by the health official and the government.


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