Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 2024


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Prostate cancer awareness month is observed every September to raise awareness of prostate cancer. prostate cancer is most common type of cancer and it’s the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men. In 2024 the focus continues to be on educating men about the importance of regular screenings, especially for those at higher risk, such as those with a family history of prostate cancer or African American men, who are statistically more susceptible to the disease. During this month, various organizations including the prostate cancer foundation, typically run campaigns, organize events and provide resources to help men understand the importance of early treatment.


Understanding prostate cancer


prostate cancer originates in the prostate gland, a small walnut shaped gland responsible for producing seminal fluid. while it primarily affects old men, the risk increases significantly after age 50, with men and those with a family history being at higher risk.


The challenge with prostate cancer lies in its often-silent progression in its early stages, the disease may not present any symptoms. However, as it advances, men may experience difficulty urinating blood in urine or semen, erectile dysfunction or discomfort in the pelvic area. These symptoms, though concerning can also be attributed to other conditions, making regular screening vital.


Symptoms of prostate cancer can include:


  • urinary problems
  • blood in urine and semen
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • discomfort in pelvic area
  • painful ejaculation
  • bone pain
  • weight loss and fatigue


Risk factors of prostate cancer


Several risk factors can increase the likelihood of developing prostate cancer:


1. Age: The risk of prostate cancer increases significantly with age, particularly after the age of 50. Most are diagnosed in men over 65.


2. Family history: Men with a close relative (father, brother) who had prostate cancer are at higher risk. The risk is even higher if the relative was diagnosed at a young age.


3. Diet: A diet high in red meat and high fat dairy products and low in fruits and vegetables may increase the risk.


4. obesity: some studies suggest that obesity might be linked to a higher risk of aggressive prostate cancer.


5. Smoking: Although smoking is more strongly associated with other cancers, some studies have suggested a link between smoking and a higher risk of dying from prostate cancer.


6. Hormones: High levels of testosterone might contribute to the development of prostate cancer, although the relationship is complex.



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