Universal Health Coverage Day: Women Health in India

Tanuja Bisht

, News

Every year on 12th of December, the whole world celebrates the Universal Health Coverage Day which aims to call for stronger and equitable health systems to achieve universal health coverage. The Universal Health Coverage Day promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO). It has become the annual process for the growing global movement for health for all.


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Every year on this day Universal Health Coverage Day (also known International Universal Health Coverage Day) as we raise our voices to share the stories related to millions of people that are waiting for health with bigger and smarter investments in health and remind the world that health for everyone is imperative for the world we want.




What is the Current Situation of Women Health in India?


Well, in India, women are considered mother-goddesses. But despite this fact that we used to hear constantly that India’s Maternal Mortality Ratio is 212 per every 1 lac births which means that more than 450 maternal deaths every 1 lac live births.



These data discussions must not degrade the shocking reality that most Indian women die from pregnancy, labor, and insecure premature births. According to a report by the Human Rights Watch in 2009 which reveals that 1 in 70 Indian women, who achieve the reproductive age die this way.



India is among those few countries where men and women have about the same life expectancy at birth. Women health in India is an issue that needs special attention. Wistfully, in India, women from poorer downgraded and classes areas experience differential access to health care conveniences. There are several factors affecting women health in India, women health status in India, and women health issues in India.



There are some shocking facts about women health in India that can give you a basic and clear idea regarding how women in India are deprived of their basic needs, rights, and health scenario. India is on the top of the list of countries that are said to have the highest mortality rates during the process of delivery and the highest number of non-school going girls.



About 25% of the total number of girls that are born in India don’t even live to reach the age of 15. Whereas, about 40% of the HIV cases in India are related to women. There are so many stories related to women health in India. If you see these statistics, you can easily determine that the current situation of women health in India is bad or rather worse.



Several governmental and non-governmental are working towards health coverage for women in India. Providing healthcare services for free of cost do not ensure us regarding the equal access to women.


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