World COPD Day 2023

Zaid Siddiqui

, News

We celebrate various days in November, each with a new event to rejoice. November 15 is going to be observed as World COPD Day. It is a worldwide event to inculcate factual knowledge about this respiratory condition, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Global Initiative For Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) initiated this revolutionary event to raise awareness and educate more people to recognize the need for early diagnosis and promote healthcare facilities to provide the best treatment for COPD, primarily to underprivileged people.


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This year’s theme for World COPD Day is “Breathing is Life – Act Earlier.” The theme highlights the importance of early diagnosis and interventions. Keeping your lungs healthy can save you from various diseases directly or indirectly associated with the lungs. COPD day also signifies the importance of a healthy lifestyle. It encourages people to identify the harmful side effects of smoking and drinking because it highly contributes to COPD, and you may become the victim at an early age.




World COPD Day was established in 2002 by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD). It is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness of COPD through various campaigns and activities. The mere aim of this day is to lower the risk of COPD.


Today, GOLD targets incorporating various features and finding solutions to reduce the disease’s global burden. COPD Learn More Breathe Better, the title of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s national awareness and education campaign, also encourages people to inquire in depth about the cause of this rapidly growing COPD disease in the world.



Importance Of World COPD DAY


According to research done in 2019, the prevalence and effect of COPD on global health massively decreased. The report, between 2004 and 2018, suggests that there was a massive downfall in the cases of COPD. This can be resolved by raising public awareness of the illness, its signs, and its available treatments, enhancing the patient’s quality of life. Reducing the prevalence of COPD may also involve raising awareness of its risk factors. Furthermore, it increases awareness of the risks associated with air pollution.



Measures To Prevent COPD


COPD is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the lungs, produces difficulty in breathing, and causes other lung dysfunction. The best way to stop COPD is to never go for smoking and, if you already do, try to quit as soon as possible. Consult your physician about products and programs that support quitting. Avoid secondhand smoke as well, which is the smoke produced by burning tobacco products like pipes, cigars, and cigarettes. Secondhand smoke also is smoke that has been exhaled or breathed out by a person smoking.


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