World Ocean Day 2018

Tanuja Bisht

, News

Every year on June 8th we all celebrate World Ocean Day to honor the ocean for giving us such a beautiful life.


Basically, the World Ocean Day has been celebrated unofficially after its original proposal in 1992 by the International Centre for Ocean Development (ICOD) of Canada and the Ocean Institute of Canada (OIC) at the Earth Summit – United Nations (UN) Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) that was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.



Why Should We Celebrate World Oceans Day?


We celebrate World Oceans Day to remind everyone regarding the major role that oceans have in everyday life. They are the lungs of our planet that provide most of the oxygen we breathe.


The main purpose of the day is to inform the public related to the impact of human actions on the ocean. We can basically unite the world’s population on a project for the sustainable management of oceans across the world. Because oceans are the major source of food and medicines as well as critical part of the biosphere.


In the end, it is a day to celebrate together the beauty, wealth and the promise of the ocean.



What are the Aims of Celebrating World Oceans Day 2018?

The main aim of the day is preventing plastic pollution as well as encouraging people regarding the solutions for a healthy ocean

Since plastic pollution is causing enormous harm to our marine resources such as;

  • 80% of all the pollution in the ocean comes from people on land.
  • About 8 million tonnes of plastic per year end up in the ocean, offering destruction on fisheries, wildlife, and tourism.
  • Plastic pollution also harms seabirds and marine mammals.
  • Fish eat plastic, and we eat fish, indirectly we are consuming plastic.
  • Plastic causes damage marine ecosystems.



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Changes start from us:

By participating in a World Oceans Day event or activity this year can help in protecting the ocean in the future. It’s up to us to help ensure that our ocean is healthy for our upcoming future generations.


Moreover, World Oceans Day allows us to:

Change perspective:

It means you can encourage individuals to think about what the ocean means actually to them and what the ocean is offering us.



You can learn to discover the wealth of beautiful and diverse ocean creatures and habitats, regarding how our daily actions affect them, and how we all are interconnected.


Change our ways:

This is the fact that we are all linked to, and through, the ocean! By taking care of our ocean as a caretaker will only benefit us. Making small modifications to our everyday habits will definitely make a difference.



Whether some of us live inland or on the coast, no doubt that we are all connected to the ocean. Take some time from your busy schedule to think about how the ocean affects us, and how we are affecting the ocean, and after that, we can organize or participate in activities that celebrate our ocean.


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