What Vaccinations Are Required For Travel To India?

India is rapidly becoming one of the top medical destinations worldwide. It can be attributed to world-class healthcare chains, cutting-edge medical technology, and highly qualified medical professionals.


For international medical travelers, there are a few requirements that they need to comply with before entering India, which include vaccines. In this article, we will be discussing the vaccinations required for travel to India.

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Vaccinations Required for Travel to India


While planning for India, add vaccination to the top of your to-do list. And make an appointment with your healthcare provider on a priority basis. You may have to start your immunizations weeks before your travel to India. This way, your vaccines will get time to become effective.


Consult your healthcare professional before getting jabbed; they may evaluate your health before suggesting any. Your healthcare practitioner will look into the following before determining the vaccines you need:


  • Consider your current health and health history
  • Review your immunization records
  • Evaluate your itinerary


After reviewing the earlier points, your medical practitioner will inform you about the necessary vaccines before leaving for India. The list of vaccinations required for travel to India will be based on the following:


  • Your health status
  • How current are your immunizations
  • Places you plan to go while visiting India
  • Your activities while in the country

Make sure that you are up-to-date on your country’s vaccines


vaccinations required for travel to India


Here is the list of vaccinations required for travel to India:


  1. Hepatitis A: It is a highly contagious liver-related disease that can be spread via food and water. Be sure to get jabbed with the Hepatitis A vaccine, as the risk of infection is relatively high in India.
  2. Hepatitis B: It is a viral infection that can be transmitted by contact with the infected person’s blood or other bodily fluids. You can be exposed to the disease through coitus, recreational drug use, being in an accident, receiving medical care, etc. The risk of Hepatitis B in India is intermediate but can easily be prevented by getting vaxxed.
  3. Typhoid Fever: Typhoid, caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi, is a life-threatening disease. One can get the disease by consuming contaminated food or water. It is always to get vaxxed with the typhoid vaccine to be safer. This becomes even more important if you visit or stay in rural areas/small towns. Two forms of typhoid vaccine are available: oral form or injection.
  4. Japanese encephalitis: Also called brain fever, it is caused by the JE virus, a flavivirus related to yellow fever, West Nile, and dengue viruses, and is spread by mosquitoes. The disease is prevalent in many Asian countries, and India is no exception. The condition is potentially fatal, so getting a JE vaccine before leaving for India is imperative, especially if you plan to stay in small towns. It is one of the vaccinations required for travel to India.
  5. Rabies: It is a fatal but preventable disease by vaccination. Rabies is caused by a neurotropic virus (called Rabies virus) that can spread to humans if bitten or scratched by a rabid animal. Be sure to get vaxxed, especially when traveling with children, as they are more prone to bites and infections.
  6. Yellow fever: Yellow fever is an acute viral hemorrhagic disease transmitted by mosquito bites. If you have visited or come from tropical and subtropical countries in Africa, Central America, and South America, get vaxxed before leaving for India. As the disease is endemic to these countries, you may be asked to show a certificate of yellow fever vaccination before arriving in India. You can be quarantined for up to six days on your arrival without the vaccination proof.
  7. Cholera: Although rarely recommended for travelers, the cholera vaccine has been shown to reduce the risk of travelers’ diarrhea for a limited time after vaccination in travelers with underlying medical conditions.
  8. Malaria: Caused by a parasitic plasmodium, it is spread by an infected Female Anopheles mosquito bite. The risk of malaria is quite prevalent in India, as it can become fatal if precautions are not taken. It is recommended to start taking anti-malarial pills multiple days before, during, and after your trip.
  9. Meningitis: It is a disease affecting the protective membranes of the brain and spinal cord. It can be a viral or bacterial infection of the membrane surrounding the spinal cord and the brain. The Meningitis vaccine is one of the vaccinations required for travel to India.


Travelers are advised to ensure they have received their routine vaccinations. Depending on your origin country or medical conditions, these doses can also come under vaccinations required for travel to India.


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The required routine doses are:


    1. Polio: It is a disabling disease that affects the spinal cord, causing permanent paralysis. If you’re from a polio-infected country, you must be updated with your polio dose. Anyone traveling to India should be up to date on their poliomyelitis vaccines. Suppose you received the poliomyelitis vaccine as a child but have never been given the booster dose as an adult. In that case, you may be advised to obtain a polio vaccination (IPV) dose.
    2. Measles-Mumps-Rubella: MMR vaccine prevents three diseases – measles, mumps, and rubella. If you have no evidence of prior vaccination, you will most likely receive an initial MMR vaccine or booster.
    3. Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis: It is essential to be updated with the TdapdTpa vaccine before departing for India. You will receive the booster dose if it has been more than ten years since your prior vaccination.
    4. Chickenpox: Varicella vaccine protects a person from contracting chickenpox, a highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It’s always advisable to get a booster dose before leaving for India.
    5. Influenza: Flu season can be tricky in India. It is recommended to get a flu shot before you plan for India.
    6. COVID-19: Although Covid isn’t one of the vaccinations required for travel to India anymore, it’s always better for international travelers to get a booster dose before entering India. Like the rest of the world, COVID cases in India can see a jump anytime, so it’s always better to be updated with your booster dose before coming to India.
    7. Shingles: It is the reactivation of the chickenpox virus in the body, causing a painful rash. Adults 50 years and older are advised to get two doses of the recombinant zoster vaccine called Shingrix to prevent the disease and its complications.


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Choose GoMedii for Affordable Treatments in India


If you are looking for affordable treatments in India, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch and hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail of our packages, you can contact us on our Website and call us at +91-9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at connect@gomedii.com. Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


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