Mr. Munkad Gets Treatment At Rama Hospital

Good care of our body never goes out of style. India is one of the nations where deaths due to heart conditions are the highest. One cannot deny the numbers, given the population and our eating habits. However, when one decides to change the way we live, better things happen automatically.


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The problem arises in being consistent and taking good care of food and diet decisions. While we are on the topic of Heart conditions, we must bring to you the story of our Patient Mr. Munkad who got treatment at Rama Hospital & had to get through an emergency due to his heart condition. Read on to know what happened when our patient went for a body checkup and got to know about something else.


Mr. Munkad Chooses Rama Hospital for his Cardiac Treatment


One fine day, while he was at work, Mr. Munkad was asked to get a full body checkup. GoMedii organizes free body checkups at various RWA and other public places to help people get affordable care and are aware of the necessary health conditions. Mr. Munkad happened to visit one such Healthcare camp, where he received his report with a cardiac issue that needed urgent attention.


What Made Mr. Munkad Choose GoMedii?


In the health camp, our patient met our team which guided him throughout his body checkup. Once the reports were out, Mr. Munkad dropped an inquiry with our team, through our website and also downloaded the GoMedii App to be updated regarding his inquiry. In his words “It was easy as I got regular updates on the app”, that is when he was sure that we were also the right choice to make when it came to his heart illness treatment.


Which hospital was consulted by the patient?


After sharing his reports, it was time for our patient to get through the estimations where he would decide on the hospital to get the treatment done. Mr. Munkad chose Rama Hospital to get his condition treated. You can also book your appointment with the mentioned hospital by just dropping a query with us.


What are the major Heart Surgeries?


You might want to know about various heart surgeries that can be chosen for heart illness treatment or any other cardiac issues, here are some:


  • Aortic surgery: This surgery will help to restore or replace aortic aneurysms and aortic dissections.


  • Aortic valve surgery: Medical procedure to repair or replace an aortic valve that isn’t working accurately.


  • Arrhythmia surgery: Surgery to address irregular heart rhythms like atrial fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia. Those patients who have related issues would get suggested for this surgery.


  • Congenital heart surgery: Remedial medical procedure to fix or treat a hereditary heart imperfection.


  • Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery: A surgery is utilized in which the obstructed part of the coronary artery is bypassed with one more piece of the blood vessel.


  • Left ventricular assist device (LVAD): A mechanical tool that helps with the pumping function of the blood.


  • Left ventricular remodeling/surgical ventricular restoration: A procedure that furnishes the heart with a more ordinary shape after a heart attack, permitting it to pump blood all the more proficiently.


  • Myectomy/myotomy: A careful treatment choice that eliminates a piece of the enlarged heart wall.


  • Transmyocardial revascularization (TMR): A methodology used to calm extreme angina or chest pain in patients who aren’t contenders for bypassing a medical procedure or angioplasty. After that doctor will decide to perform this surgery.


  • Valvular surgery: Heart valve medical procedure used to repair or replace infected heart valves.


  • Heart transplant: A careful choice to treat progressed heart failure, a condition that happens when the heart can’t pump sufficient oxygenated blood to meet the needs of the body’s organs.


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What Are The Different Types Of Heart Diseases?


Heart disease envelops a wide scope of cardiovascular issues. There are various diseases and conditions that fall under the umbrella of heart disease. It includes:


  • Arrhythmia: It is a heart rhythm abnormality.


  • Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is a condition that hardening of your arteries.


  • Cardiomyopathy: This condition makes the heart’s muscles harden or grow weak.


  • Congenital heart defects: It is a heart problem that is present at birth.


  • Coronary artery disease (CAD): It is caused by the development of plaque in the heart’s arteries. It’s occasionally called ischemic heart disease.


  • Heart infections: Heart infections might be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites.


The term cardiovascular disease might be utilized to refer to heart conditions that explicitly influence the blood vessels.


How Well Did Mr. Munkad’s Treatment Go?


Once the treatment was over, the family of  Mr. Munkad sent us praise, and they thanked us for taking immediate action and informing our patient. They also thanked us for keeping such easily accessible healthcare checkups. We at GoMedii thank our patients for giving us the opportunity to serve them and make health accessible. If you wish to get through a similar journey, Contact us Now! 


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About GoMedii: GoMedii is a Healthcare Technology Platform That Works Out Your Treatment / Surgery the Way You Need & Plan. A Treatment partner that simplifies the patient journey at every step. Drop Your Queries for the most affordable & world-class treatment options.You may simply download the GoMedii app for Android or iOS.