Little Master Kabir Gets Multiple Surgery Done At Fortis

Children are playful and that can bring them trouble many times. One such child became one of our youngest patients from Delhi, Kabir Singh Chauhan. Kabir suffered from an eye injury that led to a laceration and needed to be operated on as urgently as possible.


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While the condition was under process, the doctors also noticed the Elbow socket issues of the kid. Our team got the query in the month of April and we made sure that Kabir gets extra playful in all his energy after his treatment.

How did Kabir’s parents find GoMedii?


GoMedii has become a household name when it comes to providing treatment to domestic patients. The parents were recommended GoMedii by one of their close acquaintances who had received the treatment from GoMedii. We got a direct query from the parents who had filled the form on the website itself.


Little Kabir Gets Treatment Done At Fortis


Kabir Singh Success Story



Kabir came to Fortis for an injury that he had suffered during his fun play. While he was still under treatment for the laceration. The doctor saw something very unusual.


What was it and what could be the exact issue involved, read through. If your child is going through the same issue. You must contact me as soon as possible.

What is Laceration? Is it a normal wound?


A laceration is a wound but not all wounds will be categorized as a laceration. This simply means that a wound can be easily treated at home however when you go through a laceration, you need urgent attention.


There is flesh and skin which might be eroded. A laceration can be defined as a skin wound that would also include bleeding. Kabir in this case while playing had hit an edge which was the cause behind the laceration in the upper eyelid.


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The Elbow socket issue


As mentioned above, while the little master of ours was going through his injury treatment, the doctor noticed something else. He noticed that Kabir had an elbow socket issue where his forearms were sliding through the elbow.


This condition was not noticed by his parents, and his father Mr. Chauhan asked for a cure from the Doctor, and the suggestions were given. It was case of a pediatric orthopedic and needed a proper surgery if required in the future.

How Much Overall Cost Was involved?


In order to know the total cost of the treatment, you can easily drop your query and request the cost. The couple was from Noida, and hence little Kabir was discharged the very same day with proper prescription fulfillment.

Is Fortis Noida a good option for Surgeries?


If we concern ourselves with just Pediatric, then yes, Fortis Noida stands out as one of the finest of the hospitals. While you search for other treatments, Fortis Noida can be a great choice for them as well. Need to know more? Drop your queries with us.

About Fortis Hospital, Noida


Designed and developed to deliver patient care with ease, warmth, and compassion, Fortis Hospital, Noida serves as a state-of-the-art facility with over 200 beds and 7 operational theaters.


The hospital is well known for having one of the oldest and most trusted Kidney Transplant Programmes in Noida, with over 750 successful Kidney Transplants. Positioned as a center of excellence in Oncology, Orthopaedics, Neurosciences, Liver Transplant, Kidney Transplant, Cardiac Sciences and Emergency Trauma Care Services, Fortis Hospital, Noida is the second mega hub hospital in the Fortis Healthcare group, that caters to the special needs of patients and their families.

How To Contact GoMedii for Treatment?


After choosing GoMedii as your medical treatment partner, we ger committed to delivering the finest and high-quality medical care treatment facilities at an affordable price. We assure you that all the treatment procedures are under the supervision of the expert team you don’t need to worry about it.


If you want to get the various treatments done, just drop your queries on our website or you can also contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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