My Ankle was about to explode during midnight! – GoMedii Success Stories ft. Rahul Upadhyay

Name: Rahul Upadhyay

Age: 24

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 60 kgs

First Encounter: While driving one night, I encountered a weird sense of pain in my left ankle joint. I ignored the pain voluntarily and kept driving as usual because it was a long drive and I was rushing towards my home. I reached home with slight pain and discomfort in my ankle but decided to sleep on it while considering it a manageable, self-healing condition.

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Before sleeping, I applied anti-inflammatory balm over my ankle, expecting my painful condition to be healed till I wake up in the morning. But something unexpected and horrendous occurred to me that night. In the middle of the night between 2 AM to 3 AM, I encountered pain and severe swelling in my ankle which terrified me and gave me a feeling of an explosion in my ankle due to the massive size it has been grown into.

Early Life: Rahul has been thoroughly active in his daily routine. Despite the exertion of the flexible 9-hour job and travel routine, Rahul managed a brisk walk in the night. Moreover, Rahul never expected such condition would fall over his fortune.

Turning Point: When I encountered the chronicity of my ankle, I started to freak out which caught the attention of my family members. I was advised to reach a doctor immediately by my mother, So I called a neighborhood friend to drive me to a doctor in the morning. The first thing my friend did for the day was bringing a car to my doorstep while he booked an appointment with Doctor Abhishek Kumar on his way through GoMedii App.

Medical Help: I was taken to Dr. Abhishek Kumar’s clinic in the morning with the help of my friend. He examined my ankle thoroughly for a while and announced the condition as ‘Ankle Synovitis’. He explained to me about a synovial membrane which is present between the bone joints and it is quite weak in my case due to increased uric acid in the body.

He suggested me rest and hot water fomentation for few next days while smearing the right anti-inflammatory products (NSAIDs) over the affected area. Moreover, he suggested me dietary changes regarding protein intake along with fiber intake.

I was called by Dr. Abhishek Kumar twice for the updates and improvement until my ankle was completely healed. It took me a few weeks to be pain relieved when Dr. Abhishek Kumar suggested me few exercises and movement practices for further relief.

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Result: With the help of Dr. Abhishek Kumar’s guidance and rest, I was able to perform all the regular tasks such as running, dancing and driving. Moreover, I believe my carelessness towards my body pushed me into this trauma and illness. Now, I am well with a normal ankle and in fact better than before with fewer risks of sprain and pain.

Takeaways from the ‘Taleteller’

1. What is your current Health Mantra?

I was suggested by Dr. Abhishek regarding following a healthy routine with exercises and a good diet. I control my intake of carbs and unhealthy supplements while taking care of my bone health by eating a sufficient amount of multivitamins and calcium.

2. What do you suggest the readers?

I would like to quote the old saying, “Precautions are always better than cure”. If I would have taken the right action during the initial symptoms, I must have not gone through the pain and discomfort for many weeks.

3. Would you like to recommend GoMedii?

Yes, definitely! GoMedii is a reliable trust that I still believe into. GoMedii have had helped me in the crucial times and still does when I need a medical help like Doctor’s appointment or medicine delivery. Today, GoMedii is like my friend whom I ring a call in the midnight if I need help.

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