Success Story -A Journey of Losing Weight

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Name: Sonia Verma

Age: 22

Place: Noida


How do you feel when you wake up one morning and see that ugly hanging fat is gone, and you have the good full-toned body that makes you happy? Does this not sound like a dream, and that too a dream seen with open eyes. Well, to your surprise it isn’t one. I have lived this dream after a series of failed attempts. I was always struggling with overweight and obesity since my teenage years. When and while everyone was enjoying the “puberty hit” I was struggling with tough fats and complex carbs. I would look like an adult when I was just 14, that was not what I liked and my confidence level gradually declined. It was not about the societal norms of looking good and having a fine body that made me think about losing weight but the fact that this fat was taking a toll on my health and my personality as well.


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I belong to a family which has a history of chronic diseases like Heart and Diabetes, so a healthy lifestyle was not a choice but a necessity to stay away from different disease. Moreover, the sweet tooth and love for food was a curse in my path of looking good. My weight loss story started when my weight reached an alarming of 80kgs at the age of 17. I was a student and the pressure of performing in academics added to the process of increasing weight. When I was done with my final exams, I went to the one and only “Google search” for finding answers to my problems. I saw many videos and also read about people losing weight in 4 weeks, 8 weeks and some boasted even 2 weeks. As a teen, you tend to be really thrilled in the beginning and so was I. I would jot down all the exercises, and do it with full strength. I knew as google said, I would lose weight in weeks.



I should have realized the saying, ” Rome was not built in a day” and neither was my body going to. I knew I had to break the myth that weight loss would not take time and the wrongdoing of years, cannot be undone in weeks. So, my first step included realistic goals and patience in what I was doing. The next hurdle that came in my way was the regularity, I would skip exercises and give myself various excuses to not go to the park or the gym. I made a plan, each time I skipped exercises I would do twice the reps and sets of those exercises the next day. 4 months passed and I could not see the difference.



Once when I was back from my gym, I had a friend visiting me and asked how was my “weight loss” going. I could hear the mocking tone. He then explained the most important tip of my journey which I missed throughout. He explained to me how my food and diet is the main component of my journey to losing weight. I knew, that it was not easy and there was something absolutely wrong that I was doing. My friend also gave me various diet consultant numbers to fix a diet. In addition, I learned that my regular exercises also had some flaws. It is necessary that you combine your cardio with strength and weight training.


Today, after a year of persistence when I look at myself in the mirror, I am confident, I feel healthy with mind and body. The story of weight loss is about a journey of patience, hard work, regularity, and the right diet!



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