Bone Marrow Transplant at HCG Kolkata

The HCG EKO Cancer Centre is a comprehensive cancer-care facility in Kolkata, West Bengal. It is a collaboration between HCG (HealthCare Global Enterprises Ltd), India’s largest cancer care provider, and EKO Diagnostic Pvt Ltd, an Eastern India diagnostic and imaging network.


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HCG EKO Cancer Centre features a big team of cancer specialists with all significant cancer treatment techniques, such as surgical oncology, radiation oncology, medical oncology, and nuclear medicine, available under one roof and a bone marrow transplantation section.


HCG EKO Cancer Centre was the first hospital in Eastern India to use Radixact, a next-generation TomoTherapy system that delivers more significant precision radiation. HCG EKO Cancer Centre is poised to become Kolkata’s Cancer Care Destination by implementing cutting-edge technology and novel treatment methodologies.


The hospital is accredited by the NABH and is known for its sophisticated cancer treatments and care.


The Key Features Of The Facility Include:


  • The state-of-the-art facility, as per AERB norms
  • Continuous availability of Iodine-131 with no waiting period
  • Qualified high-dose therapy team
  • Four dedicated wards
  • Round-the-clock monitoring for efficient outcomes
  • Latest technology ensuring patient safety


Treatments Available At HCG EKO Cancer Centre Are:


HCG EKO Cancer Centre is one of the centers of excellence, capable of providing comprehensive treatment options for a wide range of life-threatening ailments, including cancer and hematological diseases.


The hospital is well-equipped with radiation oncology, medical oncology, surgical oncology, nuclear medicine, hematology, and BMT departments. Each department is supported by qualified specialists committed to providing patients in and around Kolkata with tailored and value-based treatment and care.


One of the best treatments available is Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) at HCG Kolkata.


Apart from bone marrow transplant at HCG Kolkata, there are other oncomedicine that the hospital is famous for, such as:


Radiation Oncology 

High-energy radiation in the form of X-rays or photons is used during radiation therapy to eradicate cancer cells by disrupting their DNA structure. Radiation therapy is frequently combined with other treatment techniques, such as surgery and chemotherapy, for increased efficacy.


The Radixact radiation delivery platform, capable of administering high-precision radiation therapy, is housed in the center. The Helical Tomotherapy Linear Accelerator is included in this latest generation of external radiation delivery system. This distinguishing feature allows it to provide daily MVCT Image-guided Intensity Modulated Conformal Radiation Therapy for treating malignant and benign tumors, making it one of the most accurate machines ever.


Surgical Oncology


The surgical oncology department at HCG Kolkata has the latest medical equipment for performing advanced surgeries with high success rates.


Cancer procedures are frequently combined with additional treatment techniques, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy, for improved clinical outcomes. The surgical oncologists at HCG Kolkata have extensive training and expertise in major oncology subspecialties such as head and neck cancers, uro oncology, gynecology oncology, ortho oncology, etc.


Medical Oncology


HCG Kolkata offers three types of treatments under medical oncology, namely:


  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy employs specialized drugs that move throughout the body to kill the rapidly dividing cancer cells. It is given intravenously and is highly effective. Other treatment techniques, like radiation therapy and surgery, are frequently combined with chemotherapy to improve the overall outcome of the treatment plan.


  • Targeted Therapy: It is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to specifically targets cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. Targeted therapy finds specific markers or compounds on cancer cells and uses them as a signal to initiate an attack. It can be used in combination with other treatments like chemotherapy, surgery or chemotherapy.


  • Biological Therapy: Also called immunotherapy, it is another type of systemic cancer treatment under medical oncology in which the patient’s immune system is reprogrammed to recognize and kill cancer cells. In this cancer treatment, depending on the condition of the patient, the immune system is either stimulated or suppressed to help the body fight with cancer.


Nuclear Medicine


The nuclear medicine department at HCG EKO Cancer Centre has been designed to provide advanced diagnostic and treatment options such as PET-CT imaging and Radioactive Iodine Ablation Therapy for thyroid malignancies and other thyroid-related illnesses. It uses radioactive traces to assess bodily functions, and to diagnose and treat diseases.


Hemato Oncology


One of the most famous treatments at HCG Kolkata is Bone Marrow Transplant. HCG EKO Cancer Centre has a full-service hemato-oncology and BMT department to treat and manage various benign and malignant blood disorders. HCG EKO’s BMT specialists are well-trained and skilled in autologous (patient-donated stem cells) and allogeneic (donor-donated stem cells) transplantation.


A bone marrow transplant has the potential to heal a variety of blood disorders, including aplastic anemia, thalassemia, and early-stage blood cancers.


What Diseases Can BMT Treat?


With bone marrow transplants, cancerous and non-cancerous diseases (genetic or autoimmune), which were once untreatable, can now be treated easily. These diseases are:


  • Acute leukemia
  • Adrenoleukodystrophy
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Bone marrow failure syndromes
  • Chronic leukemia
  • Hemoglobinopathies
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Inborn error of metabolism
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Primary amyloidosis
  • Inborn errors of metabolism
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Myelodysplastic syndromes
  • Neuroblastoma
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Plasma cell disorders
  • POEMS syndrome
  • Primary amyloidosis


What Are The Benefits Of Bone Marrow Transplant?


There are numerous benefits of bone marrow transplant, such as:


  • Curing diseases once deemed untreatable, such as leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell anemia, etc.


  • Cures damaged bone marrow with healthy marrow, improving immune function and overall health. This also safely allows treatment with high doses of chemotherapy or radiation.


  • Provides a higher chance of long-term survival for the patients.


  • Resets the immune system by replacing faulty immune cells with healthy ones (in case of certain autoimmune disorders).


  • Harness the graft-versus-leukemia effect, where the transplanted immune cells recognize and kill the remaining cancer cells, thus reducing the risk of relapse.


  • Providing healthy cells and replacing defective cells in case of genetic disorders such as sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, etc.


Bone Marrow Transplants Done At HCG Kolkata


Myeloma Autologous BMT


Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that develops in a white blood cell known as a plasma cell. Healthy plasma cells aid in the fight against infections by producing antibodies that recognize and attack bacteria. Cancerous plasma cells grow in the bone marrow and drive out healthy blood cells in multiple myeloma. Lymphocytes grow out of control and leads to swollen lymph nodes and  grows throughout the body. It is relatively an aggressive cancer.


Autologous transplants are the most often used treatment for multiple myeloma. Your stem cells are extracted (collected) from your body and frozen. Following chemotherapy, your stem cells are reintroduced into your body.


The autologous bone marrow transplant cost at HCG Kolkata for multiple myeloma is around $12,000 for 42 days (total treatment duration).


Lymphoma BMT


Lymphoma is a broad term for cancer originating in our lymphatic system, which is part of the body’s germ-fighting network. Lymph nodes (lymph glands), the spleen, the thymus gland, and bone marrow are all part of the lymphatic system. All of these locations and other organs throughout the body can be affected by lymphoma.


Lymphoma is mainly categorized into two types:


  • Hodgkin Lymphoma: It is a type of lymphoma that is characterized by the presence of Reed-Strenberg cells, large abnormal cells found in the lymph nodes. It usually starts in a single lymph node or a group of lymph nodes and spreads systematically from one lymph node region to the next.


  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a broad term for lymphomas that lack the distinctive Reed-Sternberg cells seen in Hodgkin lymphoma. The cancer starts in white blood cells called lymphocytes, which are part of the body’s immune system. It can begin in any lymph node or organ of the lymphatic system and spreads unpredictably. 


While Hodgkin Lymphoma is rare compared to Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL), Hodgkin Lymphoma is a much more treatable form of cancer. Although with bone marrow transplant at HCG Kolkata, the probability of curing NHL has also drastically increased.


The bone marrow transplant cost at HCG Kolkata for lymphoma is around $18,000 for 42 days (total treatment duration).


Sibling Allogeneic BMT


Sibling Allogeneic BMT, or sibling-matched related bone marrow transplant, is a medical procedure where stem cells are collected from the patient’s sibling and infused into the patient’s bloodstream. For the transplant to happen, the donor sibling must have a close genetic match with the patient, as immune system compatibility is a crucial factor in the success of an allogeneic bone marrow transplant.


The sibling allogeneic bone marrow transplant cost at HCG Kolkata is around $25,000 for 42 days (total treatment duration).


Haplo allogeneic BMT


Haplo allogeneic bone marrow transplant, also called haploidentical transplant, is a type of bone marrow transplant where the donor is a partially matched family member of the patient (parent or sibling). The word ‘halo’ means the donor is half-matched regarding human leukocyte antigen (HLA) compatibility.


In a haploid allogeneic bone marrow transplant, the stem cells of the half-matched donor are infused into the recipient’s bloodstream to replace the patient’s damaged or diseased bone marrow. The goal is to restore normal blood cell production and immune function.


The halo allogeneic bone marrow transplant cost at HCG Kolkata is around $30,000 for 42 days (total treatment duration).


Haplo CliniMACS BMT


Haplo CliniMACS bone marrow transplant is a specialized type of stem cell therapy that incorporates the use of CliniMACS technology. CliniMACS is a cell selection system that allows for the enrichment of specific cell populations, such as stem cells, from a donor’s bone marrow or peripheral blood.


In Haplo CliniMACS BMT, the donor, a partially matched recipient family member, undergoes apheresis. It is a procedure where the donors’ blood is drawn, and the desired cells (usually stem cells) are separated using the CliniMACS technology. The cells are then transplanted into the patient’s bloodstream.


The CliniMACS technology employs magnetic beads coated with antibodies specific to certain cell markers. These beads bind to the target cell population, allowing separation and enrichment of that cell population. The technology is utilized in haploid CliniMACS BMT to enhance and collect the donor’s stem cells while excluding undesirable cell types, including T-cells that might cause graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).


It is mainly used when a fully matched donor is unavailable.


Benefits of Haplo CliniMACS BMT:

  • Reduction of graft-versus-host disease
  • Facilitation of early immune recovery
  • Improved graft-versus-Leukemia effect


The haplo CliniMACS bone marrow transplant cost at HCG Kolkata is around $54,000 for 42 days (total treatment duration).


The above article has been proofread by our in-house health expert Dr Alok Pandey, physician (MBBS).


Choose GoMedii For The Most Affordable Bone Marrow Transplant At HCG Kolkata


If you want the most affordable bone marrow transplant at HCG Kolkata, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail of our packages, you can contact us on our Website and call us at +91-9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


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