Affordable Peyronie’s Disease Treatment In India


, Treatments

“Strength, determination, and a positive mindset – the ultimate weapons against Peyronie’s”


Speaking about sexual health is challenging for both men and women. In terms of both medicine and society, we must get past this. You can obtain affordable Peyronie’s disease treatment in India in a number of methods. Depending on the severity, there are different treatment choices. Patients may also choose non-surgical options, however they may not be long-term solutions.


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What makes India so attractive for affordable Peyronie’s disease treatment?


Read more!


What is Peyronie’s Disease?


Peyronie’s disease is a noncancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue (plaques) that develop within the penis. These plaques can cause the penis to bend or curve during an erection, leading to pain, discomfort, and difficulties with sexual intercourse.

Peyronie’s disease is thought to be brought on by a combination of a genetic predisposition, trauma or injury to the penis, and an aberrant healing response, however its specific etiology is yet unknown. Collagen, a protein that gives tissues shape and support, is considered to build up excessively in Peyronie’s disease, leading to the formation of scar tissue.


Treatment of Peyronie’s disease mainly depends on two factors – severity of the symptoms and a person’s lifestyle. Minor growths tend to go away on its own, but major ones may require surgery.

For individuals with more severe symptoms, treatment options may include medications, such as collagenous injections or oral drugs like pentoxifylline and potassium aminobenzoate, which aim to reduce plaque size and improve penile curvature. Surgery may be considered in cases where conservative treatments are ineffective or when the curvature is significantly affecting sexual function.



Causes of Peyronie’s disease


Peyronie’s disease has been linked to anomalies in the immune system and inflammation. These factors include:

  • Trauma or injury: Injury or trauma to the penis, such as during sexual activity or accidents, is believed to be a common trigger for Peyronie’s disease. The injury can cause bleeding and inflammation, leading to the formation of scar tissue.
  • Genetic predisposition: There is evidence to support the idea that some hereditary variables could make people more likely to acquire Peyronie’s disease. It is believed that some individuals may have a genetic susceptibility to abnormal wound healing, leading to the formation of fibrous plaques.


  • Connective tissue disorders: Peyronie’s disease has been associated with certain connective tissue disorders, such as Dupuytren’s contracture, which involves the development of fibrous tissue in the hand. This suggests a possible underlying genetic or biochemical link between these conditions.
  • Penile microtrauma: The development of Peyronie’s disease may be influenced by microscopic or recurrent trauma to the penis during sexual activity. These injuries may go unnoticed but can accumulate over time, leading to the formation of scar tissue.


  • Inflammation and immune system dysfunction: Peyronie’s disease has been linked to anomalies in the immune system and inflammation. Chronic inflammation in the penis can disrupt normal tissue healing and promote the formation of fibrous plaques.


Symptoms of Peyronie’s disease


  • Peyronie’s disease is characterized by the presence of certain symptoms that affect the penis. The primary symptoms of Peyronie’s disease include:
  • Penile curvature: The most typical sign is the penis appearing to bend or curve noticeably during an erection. The curvature can be upward, downward, or to the side. The curvature’s degree of severity might range from modest to severe, and it could get worse over time.
  • Penile pain: Many individuals with Peyronie’s disease experience pain or discomfort in the penis, particularly during an erection or sexual activity. The affected area may feel pressured or achy along with the discomfort, which can range from mild to severe.
  • Plaques or lumps: Peyronie’s disease can cause the formation of fibrous plaques or lumps under the skin of the penis. These plaques are often felt as hard, thickened areas along the shaft of the penis. They may be localized or distributed along the length of the penis.
  • Erectile dysfunction: Some individuals with Peyronie’s disease may experience difficulties achieving or maintaining an erection. This can be due to the curvature of the penis or psychological factors related to the condition.
  • Shortening of the penis: In some cases, Peyronie’s disease can lead to a loss of penile length or shortening of the penis. This can occur due to the formation of scar tissue and the consequent bending or curvature.
  • Psychological distress: The physical changes and sexual difficulties associated with Peyronie’s disease can cause emotional and psychological distress. Feelings of embarrassment, anxiety, depression, or a negative impact on self-esteem and intimate relationships may arise.


Diagnosis of Peyronie’s disease


The diagnosis of Peyronie’s disease typically involves a combination of a thorough medical history assessment, physical examination, and sometimes additional tests.


  • Medical history: You will be questioned in-depth by your healthcare practitioner about your symptoms, their onset, and their development. They will inquire about any history of penile trauma or injury, past medical conditions, and medications you are currently taking. For an appropriate diagnosis, you must be able to accurately describe your symptoms and medical background.
  • Physical examination: A physical examination of the penis will be conducted by a healthcare professional. They will assess the curvature or bending of the penis during an erection, palpate the penile shaft for plaques or scar tissue, and evaluate any associated pain or tenderness. An evaluation of the penis’ general condition and the presence of any additional anomalies may also be part of the examination.


  • Imaging tests: In some cases, additional imaging tests may be ordered to further evaluate the extent of penile curvature and the location and size of the plaques. A frequent imaging method for identifying Peyronie’s disease is ultrasound. It can provide detailed images of the penis and help assess the fibrous plaques and their impact on penile structure and function.


  • Doppler’s ultrasound: This specialized ultrasound test may be performed to evaluate blood flow in the penis. It can help determine if there are any vascular issues contributing to erectile dysfunction or if there are other abnormalities affecting penile blood flow.


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Risk factors of Peyronie’s disease


There are several known risk factors that could make getting Peyronie’s disease more likely. These risk elements consist of:


  • Age: Peyronie’s disease most commonly affects men between the ages of 40 and 70. While it can occur in younger men, it becomes more prevalent with advancing age.


  • Family history: There is proof in favor of the hypothesis that having a family history of Peyronie’s disease increases your risk of contracting the condition. Genetic factors may contribute to the susceptibility to abnormal wound healing and the formation of fibrous plaques.


  • Connective tissue disorders: Certain connective tissue disorders, such as Dupuytren’s contracture, Lederhosen disease, or plantar fibromatosis, have been associated with an increased risk of Peyronie’s disease. These conditions involve the abnormal growth of fibrous tissue in different parts of the body and may share common underlying mechanisms.


  • Penile trauma: Injury or trauma to the penis, particularly repetitive or extensive trauma, is considered a significant risk factor for Peyronie’s disease. Trauma can lead to bleeding, inflammation, and scarring, contributing to the formation of fibrous plaques.


  • Erectile dysfunction: It seems that Peyronie’s disease and erectile dysfunction are related.


Peyronie’s disease treatment in India


The Peyronie’s disease treatment choices in India are comparable to those offered in other nations and can change based on the severity of symptoms and unique conditions. For a precise diagnosis and a suitable treatment plan, it’s crucial to speak with a skilled healthcare provider who specializes in urology or sexual medicine. Here are some typical Peyronie’s disease treatments utilized in India:


  • Medications: A number of drugs may be provided to treat the Peyronie’s disease symptoms and maybe slow the disease’s progression. These medications may include oral drugs like pentoxifylline and potassium aminobenzoate, which aim to reduce plaque size and improve penile curvature. Additionally, collagenous injections directly into the plaque have been used to soften and break down the scar tissue.


  • Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy: ESWT involves the use of low-intensity shockwaves directed at the penile tissue to break down the scar tissue and improve blood flow. Some Peyronie’s disease patients have had symptomatic improvement and penile curvature reduction with this non-invasive therapy approach.


  • Penile Traction Therapy: Penile traction devices, such as penile extenders or stretching devices, may be recommended to help reduce penile curvature and improve penile length in some cases of Peyronie’s disease. These devices exert a gentle pulling force on the penis, aiming to stretch the scar tissue and promote tissue remodeling.


  • Surgical Intervention: Surgical options may be considered in severe cases of Peyronie’s disease that significantly affect sexual function or cause severe penile curvature. Surgical procedures may involve plaque excision or incision, grafting or placation techniques to correct penile deformity, and restore normal penile function.


  • Psychological Support: Peyronie’s disease can have a psychological impact on individuals, leading to stress, anxiety, and sexual difficulties. To manage the emotional components of the disease and enhance general wellbeing, seeking psychological care such as counselling or therapy might be helpful.


Peyronie’s disease treatment cost in India


The cost of Peyronie’s disease in India generally ranges between USD 1810 – USD 2111.


Top 10 Hospitals for Peyronie’s disease in India

  1. Fortis Hospital and Kidney Institute (Rash Behari Ave)
  2. Apollo Hospitals City Centre
  3. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital New Delhi
  4. SSB Heart And Multispecialty Hospital, Faridabad
  5. Rainbow Children’s Hospital and BirthRight by Rainbow Hospitals, Guindy
  6. SCI International Hospital, New Delhi
  7. Rainbow Children’s Hospital & BirthRight By Rainbow, Bannerghatta
  8. La Midas-Medical aesthetic & Welness center LLp, Gurugram
  9. Sharda Hospital Greater Noida
  10. Apollo Gleaneagles


Choose GoMedii for the Peyronie’s Disease Treatment In India


If you want affordable Peyronie’s Disease Treatment, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail of our packages, you can contact us on our Website and call us at +91-9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


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