Thoracic Spine Surgery In India | Cost & Treatment

Somya Verma

, Treatments

Spine issues trouble a person for a long. It is almost unbearable. Reshma, from Bangladesh, one of our patients sent us a query for Thoracic spine surgery in India. While the team responded quickly, and she got her treatment done, it is necessary that if you are suffering from a similar condition, you must stay informed.


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If you feel you need guidance, then read through this blog, in case you are looking for a treatment plan, you can contact us and your appointment will be right away!


What Is Thoracic spine surgery in India?


Thoracic Spine Surgery In India, procedure of Thoracic spine surgery, types of Thoracic Spine Surgery, thoracic spine surgery recovery time, Thoracic spine surgery cost in india


Thoracic spine surgery is a type of surgery that is performed on the thoracic spine, which is the middle region of the spine that runs from the base of the neck to the lower back. This type of surgery may be recommended for people who have thoracic spine problems such as:


  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Fractured vertebrae
  • Scoliosis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spondylolisthesis


There are several different types of thoracic spine surgery, including laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, and vertebral column resection. The specific type of surgery that is recommended will depend on the patient’s individual condition and the specific problem that needs to be addressed. If you think you need Thoracic spine surgery in India, contact us now!


If you are considering thoracic spine surgery, it is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits with your surgeon, as well as any other treatment options that may be available.


Who might need Thoracic spine surgery in India?


Thoracic spine surgery in India is less costly and you can easily get treated at the best hospitals. It is however a must to know if you qualify for the need for such surgeries.


It is important to keep in mind that thoracic spine surgery is typically only recommended for people who have tried other treatments.


This treatment can include, medication, physical therapy, and other non-surgical options, and have not experienced sufficient relief from their symptoms.


Before deciding to undergo thoracic spine surgery, it is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits with your surgeon.


Your surgeon will be able to provide you with more information about whether thoracic spine surgery is appropriate for your specific condition.


Why Should You Choose Thoracic spine surgery in India? 


Thoracic Spine Surgery In India, procedure of Thoracic spine surgery, types of Thoracic Spine Surgery, thoracic spine surgery recovery time, Thoracic spine surgery cost in india


There are several reasons why people may choose to get thoracic spine surgery in India:


Cost: Thoracic spine surgery can be expensive, and the cost can vary significantly depending on the location. In India, the cost of thoracic spine surgery may be lower compared to other countries.

Quality of care: India has a large number of highly trained and experienced surgeons who are skilled in performing thoracic spine surgery. Many hospitals in India also have state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, which can help ensure successful surgery and recovery.

Convenience: India is a popular destination for medical tourism, and many hospitals in India offer comprehensive packages that include not only surgery but also pre-and post-operative care, accommodations, and other services. This can make it easier and more convenient for patients to receive surgery and follow-up care.


What is the procedure of Thoracic spine surgery?


The specific procedure for thoracic spine surgery will depend on the type of surgery being performed and the patient’s individual condition. However, there are some general steps that are typically followed during thoracic spine surgery:


  1. Anesthesia: Before the surgery begins, the patient will be given general anesthesia to keep them asleep and free from pain during the procedure.
  2. Incision: The surgeon will make an incision in the skin over the area of the spine that needs to be operated on. The size and location of the incision will depend on the specific type of surgery being performed.
  3. Exposure of the spine: Once the incision has been made, the surgeon will carefully expose the spine by moving muscles and other soft tissues out of the way.
  4. Surgical procedure: The specific surgical procedure will depend on the type of surgery being performed. For example, during a laminectomy, the surgeon will remove the lamina; during a discectomy, the surgeon will remove a damaged or herniated disc. During a spinal fusion, the surgeon will join two or more vertebrae together using bone grafts or other types of hardware.
  5. Closure: Once the surgical procedure is complete, the surgeon will close the incision using stitches or staples and may place a bandage or dressing over the incision site.
  6. Recovery: After the surgery is complete, the patient will be taken to the recovery room to be monitored until the effects of the anesthesia have worn off. The patient may need to stay in the hospital for a few days to a week, depending on the specific procedure and their overall health.


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What are the different types of Thoracic Spine Surgery?


State Of The Art Robotic Spine Surgery in India for International Patients


There are several different types of thoracic spine surgery that may be performed, depending on the patient’s individual condition and the specific problem that needs to be addressed. Some common types of thoracic spine surgery include:


  1. Laminectomy: This procedure involves removing the lamina, which is a part of the vertebrae that covers the spinal canal. Laminectomy may be recommended to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots.
  2. Discectomy: This procedure involves removing a damaged or herniated disc from the spine. Discectomy may be recommended to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots.
  3. Spinal fusion: This procedure involves joining two or more vertebrae together using bone grafts or other types of hardware. Spinal fusion may be recommended to stabilize the spine and reduce pain.
  4. Vertebral column resection: This procedure involves removing a section of the vertebral column (the series of bones that make up the spine) to correct deformities or to remove tumors or other abnormal growths.


Other types of thoracic spine surgery may include vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, and spinal cord stimulator implantation. Your surgeon will be able to discuss the specific procedure that is recommended for your individual condition.


Is thoracic spine surgery dangerous?


Like any surgical procedure, thoracic spine surgery carries some risks. However, thoracic spine surgery is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon. Some of the potential risks and complications associated with thoracic spine surgery include:


  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Nerve damage
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia

What is thoracic spine surgery recovery time?

Choosing thoracic spine surgery in India, you might want to know what is the recovery time so that you plan your medical travel accordingly. We understand that and with GoMedii, you can be sure that you do not have to worry, we take care of everything with you!
Once home, thoracic spine surgery patients can expect a recovery time of 3 to 6 months.

How much does the Thoracic spine surgery cost?

Wondering what amount you will have to pay once you come for thoracic spine surgery in India? Well, we must say that it is lesser than most western countries.
 The cost of Spine Surgery in India ranges between USD 1,500 to USD 7,710 whereas, the same surgery in the US costs around USD 1,00,000 to USD 1,50,000.

How Do I Approach GoMedii?


GoMedii is associated with top-class hospitals and doctors in India. If you choose us then we assure you that our team will try to make your treatment journey will be successful. Drop your queries for Thoracic spine surgery in India Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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