No Worries! Have Your Food Cravings During Pregnancy

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

A tub of icecreams, her favorite cake, her strawberry shake, yes, we are counting dishes. What else it is? It is the food craving during pregnancy. It is the wish list of a to be a mother when she is feeling not so good, in the most amazing phase of her life. You get to be extra on all levels, and food is one which you get easily without any restrictions on the chart of food.


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The hormones and the energy level differ when our ladies are pregnant. Taking the best care of them is what must be everyone’s priority around them.


There must be some cause of food craving during pregnancy, is there?


It is not “odd” to have food craving during pregnancy. Also, other cravings are also acceptable. Here let us see what might be the reason behind, the women wanting different options at different times. Women have a very weird mix of flavor wants at this time. Rapidly changing hormones might be to blame. Cravings might also happen because of the extra work your body does to quickly produce a lot more blood. Or it might be as simple as the comfort certain foods bring as your body changes.


What are the most common food cravings during pregnancy?


Most pregnancy cravings are personal, harmless, and can even be kind of funny. Most cases involve some of the elements like sweets, such as ice cream and candy. They might also have dairies, such as cheese and sour cream.


Well, who can get through those starchy carbohydrates? Not even our beautiful to be mothers. The food cravings during pregnancy can include healthy things too like, fruits and vegetables.


Though we do not recommend you to have these as pregnant women we know that you might also crave fast food, such as Chinese cuisine or pizza.


A recent survey conducted by the supplements brand Pregnacare found that chocolate, fruit, and ice pops were among the most commonly craved foods by women.


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For some, odd combinations of food are most satisfying — that’s the root of the famous joke about pregnant women eating pickles and ice cream. There’s even a cookbook, Pickles and Ice Cream, that features recipes, both bizarre and beautiful, that have been craved by real pregnant women.


Can these food cravings during pregnancy cause harm?


We need to understand that the nutrition that the mother receives is the same that the child will receive. Keeping this in mind you should do and eat as per. There might be occasions that going to a doctor is the only choice you will have. However, when is that time? In case there is, you must take an online appointment with the best doctors.


Some Food cravings during pregnancy can be dangerous and a sign that you need to see a doctor. If you have a strong desire to eat dirt, soap, or other nonfood items during pregnancy, you may have pica, a potentially poisonous condition. While only a small number of women crave alcohol or drugs during pregnancy, the danger to your baby is too great to give in. Talk to your doctor about this to keep you and your baby safe.


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