Calorie Deficit Diet Plan: Perfect for the Weight Loss

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

A calorie deficit diet plan recommended 1200 calories that cover the major nutrient-filled food groups such as protein, carbohydrates, fat. Each food group contributing only allowed percentages so that the entire meal plan together reaches the calorie limit.


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Our bodies need a certain amount of energy in order to maintain the body’s functions. This energy is fulfilled through the foods that we eat. A calorie deficit diet plan makes a limitation on the calories that you intake.


Calories deficit diet plan


Here we are sharing the complete calorie deficit diet plan that can help you reduce weight.  This diet contains an all-important nutrient that a body needs.


Early morning


Have a glass of water with apple cinnamon water or apple cider vinegar empty stomach.




You can simply take 1 cup of green tea with 1 cereal products like oats daliya. If you don’t like green tea then you can have 1 cup of black coffee along with 1 or 2 besan chilla, you can add mint chutney too to enhance the taste. Besan chilla is gluten-free also helpful in weight loss.


Mid-morning snack


At around 11 am you can have 1 apple or a glass of buttermilk.




Now its time for the lunch, you can have 1 serving of cereals like chapatti or brown rice or brown bread slices with any type of protein as a bowl of dal or paneer or egg whites or roasted chicken. Along with that, you can have also added 1-2 serving of green vegetables in any form of like salad cooked vegetables.


Evening snack


A cup of tea with less milk and without sugar drink. As an option, you can have detox water (cucumber & mint detox) with 2 tsp. mix seeds.




You can have soup or seasonal fruit or a glass vegetable juice.




Have a high fiber food like oats daily or quinoa salad with vegetables.


Post dinner


After dinner 1 glass toned milk.


Food allowed liberally


These are the food items that you can have any time in the day whenever you feel low or want to drink or eat anything.


  • Green leafy vegetable and salad


  • Clear soup


  • Tea or coffee (without sugar)


Food to Avoid


  • Whole milk and milk products
  • Fruit juice can juice
  • Refined foods like maida, noodles, suji, etc.
  • Commercial products like Bournvita, Horlicks, etc
  • Sugar and sweets of all kinds.
  • Fried food puri, pakora, paratha, etc


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Healthy options for the calorie deficit diet plan


Here are some healthy options for the calorie deficit diet plan, you can have these in exchange for the above-mentioned food items, in case you get bored with the same foods.


  • Combination of flax seeds, pumpkins seeds, sesame 1 tsp.


  • 4-5 overnight soaked almonds, one walnut/day.


  • High fiber foods like salads freshly boiled vegetable, green leafy vegetables.


  • Whole pulses, preferable in sprouted form should be included in the diet.


  • Whole wheat bread is preferable to refined flour bread.



Additional tips for the calorie deficit diet plan


For quick weight loss do some physical exercise along with dietary restrictions. Go for the brisk walk for half an hour in the morning as well as in the evening would be more effective.


  • Have three proper meals every day to avoid snacking. If you want to go for snacking go for the above-mentioned food allowed library.


  • Never go for crash dieting.




A calorie deficit diet plan is useful if you want to lose weight or want a toned body. But the diet plan is completely on your physical condition. So, it’s better to consult with a dietitian before going to any diet plan.


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