Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure: Know The Ways To Prevent It

Shikhar Atri

, Health A2Z


Why Indian youths have suffered from high blood pressure? You can say that the changing lifestyle is one of the causes of the problem. Many people don’t know the symptoms of high blood pressure. In India, nowadays it is getting very common in adults, which is very harmful to your whole body.


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High blood pressure is also known as Hypertension. According to studies, around 2.5 lakh people are dying every year in India due to hypertension. This is happening because of poor lifestyle and unhealthy food, the number of patients is continuously increasing.



Symptoms of High Blood Pressure


Doctors say that high blood pressure is a silent killer. High blood pressure can increase the risk of problems related to the heart. If you have chest pain that means the heart does not get enough oxygen due to narrow or hardened blood vessels. In such a situation, if the flow of blood stops, then heart-attack or cardiac arrest can also occur. So, you should know the symptoms of high blood pressure which can help you to prevent complications.



Feeling tired


Most of the time you feel tired and are not able to concentrate on your work, it’s a common symptom of high blood pressure. When this happens, you start having sleep problems.



Frequent headache


The main symptom of high blood pressure is a person having persistent headaches. Usually, headache is considered a result of stress, and we usually take a pain killer to manage it. However, sometimes this problem can last for a long time for some other reasons.





Stress causes most people to be upset. Continued stress can lead to high blood pressure and it can also be one of the symptoms of high blood pressure.



Sudden Chest pain


Chest pain can cause you heart problems, it can also cause difficulty in breathing. If this happens, you may feel nervous.



Causes of High Blood Pressure


If you are suffering from high blood pressure problems, then you should know the causes of it. There is a higher risk of heart attack and heart-related diseases due to high blood pressure. Apart from this, people suffering from the problem should also be tested for high cholesterol and diabetes.


This is the reason we discussed the symptoms of high blood pressure above. It can also affect a patient’s memory, which is also known as dementia. In this situation, the blood supply in the brain of the patient decreases, and the power of thinking also decreases. Blood vessels may become narrower or thicker due to hypertension It can affect your eyesight and starts to appear blurred vision.



The main causes of high blood pressure are:


  • Smoking


  • Alcohol


  • Unhealthy lifestyle


  • High intake of salt



  • lack of exercise and yoga in daily routine



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How to avoid symptoms of high blood pressure?



High intake of salt


This is the main reason for high blood pressure, start consuming a limited amount of salt in your food will be good for your health.





Exercise is very beneficial for everybody. It increases your strength and improves your immunity power. It can protect you from seasonal diseases and also help you to prevent yourself from the symptoms of high blood pressure.



Stop OTC Drugs

The access and use of the OTC drug are not beneficial for your health. People who are regularly using drugs can face a lot of health-related problems.

Nutritious food

If you have the symptoms of high blood pressure, then you should always follow a healthy diet, this will always make you feel good and fit.


If you have any symptoms of high blood pressure then you should take your medicines on time and it is also important to change your lifestyle. To get an instant appointment or consultation regarding high blood pressure treatment, you can contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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