6 Sugar-Free Fruits and Vegetables For a Healthy Living

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z


Wohooo, sugar-free fruits, and vegetables at the same time, is it actually true? Yes, it’s true there are some fruits and vegetables which are completely sugar-free. If you’re a diabetic or health conscious then these items would surely help you. Consulting a diabetologist in such a case would also help you. Top Doctors suggests that lifestyle habits should be altered in order to manage sugar levels. Following a suitable diet plan or including physical exercise can be your lifestyle moderation to control diabetes. In this blog, we are providing 6 Sugar-Free fruits and vegetables for healthy living.


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6 Sugar-Free Fruits and Vegetables:


Here 6 sugar-free fruits and 6 sugar-free vegetables which you can easily add to your diet, include:


Sugar-Free Fruits


1. Grapefruit


6 Sugar-Free Fruits and Vegetables For a Healthy Living, Grapefruit



Grapefruit is the most effective for cough and cold. This fruit carries a great amount of  Vitamin C and it ensures that this fruit also protects you from scurvy. This is another one of the zero-fat value foods, which you can eat without once thinking or worrying about gaining extra weight.


2. Avocado


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Yummy! Avocados are the most nutritious foods around and christened the ‘complete food’ by nutritionists across the globe, avocado is another one of our low-sugar and low-fat foods. This is rich dietary fiber, and minerals like potassium and copper, and vitamins like E, A, K, B6, and C.



3. Papaya


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Papaya has an ‘n’ number of health benefits, apart from the fact that it teases the palate superbly and tastes delicious. It also helps to promote digestion through papains, the chemicals in papaya bracing the digestive processes. Also, rich in essential vitamins.

This fruit is also considered a preventive food for cancer. It improves skin color and prevents pigmentation and discoloration. Papayas contain antioxidants that help slow down aging. They also prevent balding and control dandruff.


4. Oranges

6 Sugar-Free Fruits and Vegetables For a Healthy Living,Oranges,


Oranges are another great way to enjoy a sweet snack without all the calories and sugar, while also boosting your Vitamin C intake. A typical naval orange has about 12 grams of sugar per fruit and less than 70 calories.


5. Strawberries & Blackberries


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When we heard this word yummy and tasty berries we instantly start imagining the red, blueberries.  Berries contain very little amount of sugar. Although, strawberries and blackberries also carry between 4 and 5 g of sugar, 5.3 g of fiber, and 1.39 g of protein per 100 g. In addition, they are also a good source of antioxidants.


6. Peach


6 Sugar-Free Fruits and Vegetables For a Healthy Living,Peach


Peaches can be incredibly sweet, but at less than 13 grams of sugar in a medium-sized fruit, they can still be considered low in sugar for a fruit.


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Sugar-Free Vegetables


1. Broccoli


Broccoli GoMedii



This dark leafy green is free of fat and contains little sugar. This vegetable is packed with vitamins A, C, D, E, K, dietary fiber, calcium and other nutrients like- iron, phosphorus, zinc, and potassium. It also carries one of the strongest antioxidants and its health benefits include- curing skin problems and purging the body of damage-inducing free-radicals.


2. Brussel Sprouts


6 Sugar-Free Fruits and Vegetables For a Healthy Living,Brussel Sprouts



This is one of the zero fat and low sugar vegetable. These are used in many salad recipes and are one of the healthiest options. They also possess anti-carcinogenic properties which make them effective as a cancer-prevention agent.  Brussel sprouts are also known as little cabbage. However, if you are a diabetic looking for low sugar and zero fat diets, these are one of the healthiest options on this list.


3. Cabbages


6 Sugar-Free Fruits and Vegetables For a Healthy Living, Cabbages,


Cabbage is rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. It also boasts of minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and sodium, among others.  It is also considered as the zero fat and sugar-free list. This vegetable contains many nutrients and has many health benefits.


4. Beetroot


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Woah, one of the best vegetable it helps to make blood, and help to cure and prevent many afflictions. They are probably one of the other complete foods on the low sugar foods list. Beetroots are full of minerals like potassium, iron, fiber, and dietary fiber. They get their rich color from a potent antioxidant called betanin. To top it all, beets taste sweet. So, even if you have to avoid sweets and other sugary foods, you can safely gorge on beets and still not be worse off than you are.


5. Tomatoes



Tomatoes GoMedii,


Tomatoes are low-fat and virtually sugar-free foods. It contains decent amounts of Vitamin A and  K, which is important for building and strengthening bones and helps to prevent night blindness and other diseases. Vitamin K ensures that you maintain good bone health. It also stimulates a non-collagen protein called osteocalcin, which is necessary and acts as a catalyst, helping calcium strengthen your bones.


6. Asparagus


6 Sugar-Free Fruits and Vegetables For a Healthy Living, Asparagus


It has been used in many cultures to treat a variety of diseases. This vegetable contains no fat and no sugar while containing many other important nutrients, which are quite beneficial for the body. Although it has been primarily used as a diuretic, it has also been used to quicken metabolism. It contains vitamins A, C, E, K, B6 and minerals like iron, copper, folate and is also rich in protein.


Here we have provided 6 Sugar-Free Fruits and Vegetables For a Healthy Living. I hope these food items would help you but before consuming any of the above-mentioned food consult a doctor although, it’s really very healthy but still.


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