Be Aware of Early Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Diabetes is one of the most common health conditions in India. There are so many people who are dealing with diabetes, are not aware of it. Because sometimes the early signs and symptoms of diabetes are not clearly visible.


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People are even not aware of these signs and symptoms. So, here we have going to explore the symptoms of diabetes in detail, which can help you to recognize your condition and fast diagnosis.


Early Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes


Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes have some of the same early signs and symptoms of diabetes

Hunger and Fatigue


Hunger and fatigue are some of the early signs and symptoms of diabetes. Your body uses the food you eat and converts it into glucose. This is used by your cells for energy. But cells required insulin to take in glucose. If your body is not able to make a sufficient amount of insulin or no insulin.


If your cells resist the insulin made by your body. Thus glucose is not able to provide you energy. That can make you hungrier and more tired than usual.

Peeing More Often and Being Thirstier


The person usually around pee four and seven times in a day, but diabetics may go a lot more. Because diabetes pushes your blood sugar up and your kidneys are not able to bring it all back in. That leads the body to make more urine. As a result, You’ll have to go more often. You might pee out more, too. Due to too much peeing, you will get very thirsty.

Dry Mouth and Itchy Skin


The body uses your body fluid to make pee, there’s less moisture for other things. You can feel dehydrated, and your mouth may get dry. As a result, your dry skin makes you itchy.

Blurred Vision


Due to the changing level of fluids in your body could make the lenses in your eyes swell up. They change shape and can’t focus.

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Signs and Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes


These are the sign and symptoms of diabetes that tend your glucose has been high for a long time.

Yeast Infections


It is one of the most common signs and symptoms of diabetes. This can be experienced by both men and women who are dealing with diabetes. Yeast Infections can grow in any warm, moist fold of skin, including:


  • Between fingers and toes
  • Under breasts
  • In or around sex organs

Slow-Healing Sores or Cuts


By the time, blood flow can also be affected by high sugar levels. It causes nerve damage that makes it difficult for your body to heal your wounds.

Pain or Numbness in Your Feet or Legs


The numbness or pain in the feet can also occur due to the nerve damage.

Unplanned Weight Loss


If your body is not able to get the required energy from your food, then the body starts burning fat and muscle for energy instead. You may start losing weight even though you haven’t changed your diet.

Nausea and Vomiting


When your body starts burning fat, it creates ketones. Ketones can build up in your blood to dangerous levels and can lead to a life-threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis.


Here we have discussed the early signs and symptoms of diabetes. So, don’t ignore if you experience any of these and have a check of your blood sugar level. Don’t forget to consult your doctor for a better diagnosis.


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