Winter is here and we are all enjoying it. Its the time when our skin glows at its peak and whatever we eat its a add-on to our beauty. But, hair care during winters become more complicated due to its super dryness as well as daily hair wash is impossible and extremely annoying too.
If the texture of your hair is already dry then it will become worse when it comes to winters. The cold winds work hard to take out the moisture from your hair and make it dull, rough, and unmanageable. To save your hair and to moist it, you should defiantly try these simple DIYs and tips for hair care during winters that will not only make your hair more
manageable but also make it more soft and smooth.
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Tips for Hair Care During Winters
1. Trim Your Hair Regularly
Frequently trimming your hair will help you to maintain its health as well as to keep it nourished. Nourished hair removes damage and dryness. Thus, trimming maintain nourishment of hair and reduce split ends.

2. Avoid Washing Hair with Hot Water
Always wash your hair with lukewarm to cold water. This helps in retaining moisture in your hair and prevent it from drying. Hot water can damage the skin as well. While lukewarm or cold water helps to better nourish your hair.

3. Dry Your Hair Before Leaving House
Do not leave home with wet hair to avoid dry hair during winters. Wait till your hair dries or use a hair drier. Hair takes a long time to get dry in winters and if you step out with wet hair it ultimately causes hair fall and damage.

4. Hot Oil Treatment
Hot oil benefits a lot to treat dry and fragile hair. You can use any oil like jojoba oil, almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil.
Steps to use hot oil treatment:
- Take equal portions of jojoba oil, almond oil, and pure coconut oil in a bowl. Heat it for a few minutes.
- Apply this lukewarm oil on your scalp with the finger tips.
- Massage the oil for some time and wrap it with a hot towel.
- Leave it for around an hour and then rinse off using a mild shampoo.

5. Onion Juice and Honey
Onion juice is really good for hair. Combine it with honey makes it a surprisingly amazing for hair care during winters.
Steps to use onion juice and honey:
- Take the juice of an onion. Add a tablespoon of rosewater and 2 tablespoons of honey in the onion juice.
- Apply it on your hair with a help of cotton and leave it for about 45 minutes.
- Rinse it with lukewarm water.
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6. Banana with Olive Oil
Steps to use banana and olive oil treatment:
- Take a banana and smash it and mix it well with olive oil.
- Now apply the paste well on the scalp and your hair.
- Leave the paste for thirty minutes and then wash well with shampoo.
- It helps to moist your hair and scalp and also protect from dryness.

7. Fenugreek and Mustard Oil Mask
Fenugreek and mustard oil both the ingredients are excellent for hair care during winters. Here are the steps to use this mask.
- Soak overnight 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds. Grind the soaked seeds to make a fine paste.
- Add 2 tablespoons of mustard oil to the paste. Apply this mask on hair and massage well.
- Wash your hair after half an hour with lukewarm water. Always use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.

8. Rice Milk
Rice milk helps you to get the shine and smooth hair within minutes. It is an amazing DIY for hair care during winters. Follow these steps to apply rice milk.
- Take a cup of rice milk and add two or three tablespoons of honey in it.
- Mix them well.
- Apply this mixture from hair scalp to tips.
- Leave it for around 20 minutes and then wash it off with normal water.

9. Milk and Honey Mask
Milk and honey both have the hair softening quality. Simply you can make a mask with these two ingredients and apply it. It will nourish your hair and give a natural shine and softness. Here are the steps on how you can make and apply this mask:
- Add a cup of milk with a tablespoon of honey.
- Mix it very well.
- Apply the mixture to your hair.
- Wait for around about 15 minutes and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

10. Aloe Vera Mask
Aloe vera is undoubtedly one of the best natural hair softner. It is naturally filled with hair softening qualities. Combine it with any hair oil, it will do magic on your hair. Following are the steps to use this mask.
- Mix aloe vera gel, lemon juice, and a tablespoon of olive oil altogether.
- Apply this mixture on your hair from roots to tips wait for around half an hour.
- Then wash it with lukewarm water.
- After this use a mild shampoo.

11. Magical Mixture
Last but not the least the magical mask of apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and egg white will make your hair nourished and soft. Here are the steps to apply the mixture.
- Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 3 egg whites.
- Mix it well and apply on the roots of your hair and massage it well.
- Cover it with a towel for 30 minutes and wash it.

Well, here we have discussed several DIYs and tips for hair care during winters. These are super easy and useful to make your hair naturally nourished. These DIYs also help you to protect hair from harsh cold air which removes the moisture from your hair. These tips not only help you to nourish your hair in winter even it is helpful for all year long whether it is summer or any other season.
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