14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

What you eat can drastically affect many aspects of our health, including the risk of developing some chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The development of cancer, in a person, has been heavily influenced by your diet.


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Many foods contain compounds that can help you decrease the risk of cancer. There are many studies showing that the intake of certain foods can reduce the risk of cancer.


Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer:


In this article, we are discussing the 14 super foods that can reduce the risk of cancer:


1. Broccoli


14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


Broccoli contains sulforaphane, it is a compound that has been shown to cause damage to a tumor cell and reduce tumor size in some animal studies and test-tube. A higher intake of cruciferous vegetables can also be associated to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.



2. Carrots


14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


It has been found in many studies that carrot consumption can decrease the risk of prostate, lung and stomach cancer. According to research eating, carrots may reduce the risk of stomach cancer by up to 26% and prostate cancer by 18%.



3. Beans


14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer



Beans are high in fiber, which can protect you against colorectal cancer. Test tube and animal studies have found that a higher intake of beans could reduce the risk of colorectal tumors and colon cancer. So, beans are one of the foods that can reduce the risk of cancer.



4. Berries


14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


Berries are high in anthocyanins, it is planted pigments that have antioxidant properties which can be associated with a reduced risk of cancer. Some animal and test-tube studies have found that the compounds in berries may decrease the spread of certain types of cancer.


5. Cinnamon


14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


Cinnamon is famous for its health benefits, it has the ability to ease inflammation and reduce blood sugar as well.
Some animal and test-tube studies have found that cinnamon extract may have anticancer properties that can help in decrease the growth and spread of tumors. Some more research in human is needed to prove the fact.


6. Nuts


14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


In some studies, it has been found that an increased intake of nuts may decrease the risk of cancer. Research shows that some specific types like walnuts and Brazil nuts can also be linked to a lower risk of cancer. Well, we can say that nuts are one of the best foods that can reduce the risk of cancer.


7. Olive Oil

14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer



We all know that olive oil is loaded with health benefits, so there is no wonder it’s one of the staples of the Mediterranean diet.
Several studies have shown that an increased intake of olive oil can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.


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8. Turmeric

14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


Turmeric is a spice well-known for its healthy properties. Turmeric contains curcumin, its active ingredient, is a chemical with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and even anticancer effects. Curcumin has been shown to reduce the growth of many types of cancer and lesions in test-tube and human studies.


9. Citrus Fruits

14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


Eating citrus fruits such as limes, lemons, grapefruits, and oranges can reduce the risk of cancer.
Many studies have shown that a higher intake of citrus fruits could decrease the risk of certain types of cancers, including stomach and pancreatic cancers, along with some cancers of the upper respiratory tracts and digestive system.


10. Flaxseed

14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


Flaxseed contains heart-healthy fats and fiber, it can be a healthy addition to your diet.
Some studies have found that flaxseed may reduce the growth of cancer in prostate and breast as well. Because, it is high in fiber, therefore, can decrease the risk of colon cancer.


11. Tomatoes

14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


Lycopene is a compound that found in tomatoes which is responsible for its bright red color and its anticancer properties.
There are some studies which tell that a higher intake of tomatoes and lycopene can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.


12. Garlic


14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


The garlic contains active component allicin. Allicin is a compound that has been used to kill off cancer cells in multiple test-tube studies. It is found that eating more garlic can decrease the risks of stomach, prostate and colorectal cancers.


13. Fatty Fish


14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer


Research suggests that including some amount of fish in your diet can reduce your risk of cancer. Fatty fish contains vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, these two nutrients are believed to protect yourself against cancer.


14. Sweet Potatoes

14 Super Foods That Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer



Sweet Potatoes contains beta-carotene folate, vitamin C, and fiber. Studies have shown beta-carotene can reduce the risk of cancer, particularly of the lung, colon, stomach, and breast cancer.




Not only a single food or food component can protect you from cancer by itself. But research shows that if you take a diet that is filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and other plant foods help lower the risk for many cancers.


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