5 Most Common Urological Problems in Women: You Should not Ignore These

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Are you aware of the common urological problems in women? Well, it is a common belief that urological disease largely affects men, but a lot of women are also living with these problems. This happens because women feel shy to come up in open and discuss these problems, which stop them from seeking medication and proper care. Talking about these urological problems may be uncomfortable, but it’s the first step toward treatment.


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Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the urological problems in women suffer as forewarned is forearmed. To learn more about urological problems in women and reduce your risk, we have discussed some of the most common urological problems in women, including their treatment and preventive measures.


The Most Common Urological Problems in Women:


The female bladder stores and passes urine at a suitable time and place. When there are some issues with bladder function, you need to go toilet frequently, maybe you are unable to pass urine, or may even leak urine.


1. Frequent Urination:


Frequent urination is the need to pass urine very frequently, like around seven times during the day or less than every two hours. It is one of the most common urological problems in women.

Urgency is a strong and sudden desire to empty, if not relieved immediately, may lead to an involuntary leakage of urine.

To cope with frequent urination and urinary urgency, you should consult your doctor who will ask you questions regarding your medical history and urinary habits. After a physical examination, your doctor can suggest you few simple tests such as collecting your urine specimen for analysis to exclude urinary tract infection (UTI), which is depending on the cause of your condition, the doctor may start you on medication.


2. Urinary Incontinence


Urinary incontinence refers to an involuntary leakage of urine, it is a also one of the most common urological problems in women. Types of incontinence include:


Stress urinary incontinence – Involuntary loss of urine linked with sneezing, coughing, carrying heavy things and even jumping or running.

Urge Incontinence – Involuntary loss of urine preceded by an urgent strong desire to pass urine and empty before the ability to reach the toilet.

Overflow Incontinence – involuntary loss of urine due to an inability to empty the bladder according to need.


If you have Mild urinary incontinence, it may not be troublesome but moderate to a severe problem can have a drastic effect on a woman’s life. It can also cause social and hygiene problems. These women ask for help from their doctor. The treatment depends on the type, severity, and condition of incontinence.

Regular pelvic floor exercises can help to improve the incontinence in mild cases. In severe cases of stress urinary incontinence, surgical correction should be considered.


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3. Urinary Tract Infection:


Urinary Tract Infection occurs due to the presence of bacteria in the urine, it is one of the most common urological problems in women. UTI can be divided into two parts that are upper tract infection (kidney) or lower tract infection (bladder).


Pyelonephritis is the severe bacterial infection inside the kidneys. Patients have a high fever and severe back pain and may have frequency and urgency of urine as well.


If you have a urinary tract infection (UTI), the general measures for simple cystitis include taking more fluids, more than two liters a day, to encourage more urine formation to flush out the bacteria.


For the treatment, first of all, you need to consult your doctor if you have a fever or the symptoms persist. You need to take oral antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, it would eliminate around 90 percent of infection in a normal person. The doctor can suggest some test relevant to your condition if necessary.


Patients with severe Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) with fever and kidney infection may require intravenous antibiotics and hospitalization.


4. Blood in Urine


Blood in the urine known as “hematuria” should not be ignored. Even if there has been a single occurrence along with a small amount of blood, you should go for medical help immediately. The blood in the urine can be dark brown, red or pink and can originate from anywhere in the urinary tract along with the symptoms of abdominal pain and pain in urination. However, hematuria can occur without any symptoms, the causes can be linked with additional symptoms like kidney stones, kidney infections, bladder infections. Blood in the urine can be a warning sign for critical diseases like tuberculosis and cancer.


5. Incontinence After Pregnancy:


Incontinence means lack of control on urination, it is a most common urological problems in women. Some women can experience some degree of urinary incontinence while their pregnancy. The extent can be severe or mild depending on factors like body mass index and age. It happens due to the stress of the expanding uterus which leads to increased pressure on the bladder. It results in an inability to control the passage of urine. This can continue after pregnancy as well although women may not experience it right after childbirth. Childbirth weakens the pelvic muscles leading to an overactive bladder.




Above are the most common urological problems in women but people don’t talk about it. It is not the cause of shame and hesitation. If you find any of the symptoms then you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.


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