5 Things That You Should Keep Handy For Healthcare Emergencies

Prakhar Tyagi

, Health A2Z

Healthcare is a critical area for you and your family members.

Here are 5 essential things that you must always keep handy at home for healthcare emergencies:

1. The Home Medicine Box

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Keep a box of essential medicines within your reach. You can stock medicines for stomach ache, dysentery, headache, body ache, fever, flu, toothache, injuries, and so on. The medicines in your box will be dependent on the common health problems of your family members

2. Handy Contact Details of Ambulances/Hospitals

Keep phone numbers of ambulances and hospitals in your vicinity handy. This will help you to save precious time during emergencies.

3. Identify Best Hospitals/Departments

Healthcare services in India vary widely. This means that not all departments in all hospitals are good. It is therefore important to identify the hospital that is the best bet for you and your family members, in case of hospitalization. You can identify the best hospitals by talking to your friends and neighbors. You can also read reviews on hospitals from the Internet.

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4. Handy Home Remedies

Have a list of essential items that can serve as home remedies for emergency purposes. For example, a pinch of salt and sugar combined in a glass of water can serve as ORS for dehydration. Honey can be combined with basil leaves for severe dry cough.

5. Pin-down good doctors in your city

For ensuring your family’s good health it is important that you have a list of good doctors in your city. This is important so that you do not panic at the last minute. Talk to your friends and acquaintances and find out the best orthopedic, the general physician, the pediatrician or the dental surgeon. Identifying a good doctor is a tedious affair and you will need to talk to multiple people and cross-verify information before you decide on the doctor.

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