8 Lifestyle Changes after You Touch 40

Prakhar Tyagi

, Health A2Z

Aging brings several health-related changes. These changes are related to both your physical and emotional health. When you touch 40 you reach a turning point in your life. This is a point in your life when you have to bring about some lifestyle changes that should help you sail smoothly.


Staying physically and mentally helps in keeping you, well and younger — particularly in after the 40s, when you may notice the first subtle changes in your skin and metabolism.


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Here are a few check-boxes to ensure optimal well-being.


☑Understand, Accept & Cherish


Understand the changes, accept them and cherish as they also narrate the story of your achievements. Whether it is your eye-sight, endurance or stamina, accept them positively and cherish. Be positive about your life and the future.


☑Map Your Family History


Looking carefully at your family tree can get you more information about the diseases and conditions that run in the family. Preventing them in time is the biggest cure. It is recommended that you check the ailments in the past three generations, to understand the complete family history of diseases.


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☑Check Your Data Ranges


Check your data ranges to better evaluate the personal risk of chronic diseases. Get your levels of blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar checked at regular intervals. Measure your waist circumference, body mass index and know your body weight. Follow your physician’s recommendations to restore your numbers to healthy ranges.


Meditate Every Day


Meditation is a medicine for the mind. It counteracts the age-related loss of brain volume. It helps improve attention & memory, reduce depression, stress, high blood pressure, fatigue, sleep disorders, headaches, skin disorders, and respiratory problems like asthma etc. It is a boon for your healthy mind, body & soul.


Be On Your Feet


Develop a habit of 30-45 minute walk or exercise, every day. It can help prevent coronary heart disease, improve blood pressure, maintain blood circulation & blood lipid profile, maintain body weight, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and the risk of depression.


Balance Between Taste and Nutrition


Eating more fiber and taking supplements for balancing nutrition helps normalizing cholesterol levels. It also helps maintain a healthy weight, maintain bowel health and control blood sugar levels. Many fiber supplements and fortified foods are also easily available these days which can boost your fiber intake.


Taking care of all the above is an investment in a healthy lifestyle that will pay off through every subsequent decade. Be positive, stay healthy, and smile.

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