5 Ways To Change Your Lifestyle Habits

Prakhar Tyagi

, Health A2Z

Wanna change your lifestyle habits? That’s really appreciable. Lifestyle change is a challenging task. But that’s surely a step towards a better you.

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If you could choose one or two habits in the months to come, which habits have the biggest impact on your life, what would they be?

I am often asked this question because people feel overwhelmed when it comes to starting positive changes in life.

You ask me: Which or which habits should you start with?

It is not an easy question. There are many changes I have undergone, from smoking cessation to simplifying my life to reducing debt to much more. And everyone seemed to change their lives and everyone seemed important.

But when it started again and I had to choose one or two, it would be one or the other listed below. The following list is in the order of what I think I would change the first 6-7 months of my life … but I realize that every person is different. Nobody should follow my decisions exactly. You have to find out what works for you.

Here is a tried and tested five-step plan to change your lifestyle habits:


The urge to change is always driven by some strong reason. Identify the reason and it will help you stay motivated and also give you the strength to move ahead. It will induce you to keep going whenever you feel like quitting or giving up.

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You should have a plan of action with the set of priorities and target to be achieved. A plan of action should be set which should also include the lifestyle changes that you wish to bring about. Fix a deadline for the goal you want to achieve and announce it as it will inspire and pressurize you to move on and keep going.


“Slow & Steady wins the race.” Keep this moral of grandma’s story of hare & tortoise in your mind. To weed out previous habits and develop new lifestyle habits you should begin by bringing one change at a time.


Ask your family and friends to become your support system. They will applaud on your achievements and stop you from ditching your plans. Give them details of your plan and request them to remind you of important details, such as, timings, do’ and don’ts etc.


Keep a proper record of your progress. This will help you track your achievements and ensure attainment of targets. Do remember to reward yourself for achieving every target but also be easy to yourself. It’s ok to get diverted sometimes as you are a human being.

To mark again, change is not an overnight process. It is gradual. Change surely comes about if you keep going. So, GET ready on your mark … GET SET & GO.

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