7 Amazing Tips for a Cooler Pregnancy This Blazing Summer

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z

Pregnancy is a beautiful feeling for every woman but in most of the cases, women start facing a lot of problems like- back pain, headache, nausea and mood swings. So we are going to give you 7 amazing tips for a cooler pregnancy this blazing summer, which might help you to control your problems during pregnancy.


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Here 7 Amazing Tips for a Cooler Pregnancy this Blazing Summer:


1. Stay Hydrated:


Water intake should be at least 8 to 10 glasses per day and should be more if you are exercising. Keep in mind to drink low-sugar electrolyte fluids, especially if you’re going to spend time outside.


2. Healthy Food:


Hunger is generally decreased in the summer, but protein intake is still important with pregnancies. Try to make a protein smoothie with vegetable-based protein powder, berries, and coconut water. Add avocados to your meal. Cook with coconut oil. Popsicles and yogurt make healthy and cool snacks.


3. Dress for the Heat:


Wear loose clothing and a hat to reduce sun exposure. Avoid wearing dark colors which attract the sun’s rays. Prefer breathable clothing to help to keep you and your blossoming bump cool. You could also step up your wardrobe selection with something like the Cool Breeze Solar Hat, which promises to protect you from the sun and keep your head cooled by an inbuilt fan.


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4. Avoid Foods That can Spoil:


Things like potato salad, coleslaw and other food items made with mayonnaise can spoil easily in the heat, so it’s best to avoid them.


5. Elevate your Feet:


In pregnancy, swelling is a very common problem, elevate your feet above heart level as much as possible. A pregnant woman can also try hydrotherapy in a bathtub or a pool where you can submerge the entire abdomen in the water for 20 to 30 minutes daily.


6. Cool Towel


Cool towel on the head or neck can provide some relief from the heat for expectant mums when a heatwave strikes. There are some amazing inventions that take the legwork out of keeping you cool. Such as the Cool Sports Towel, which dries soft, is chemical free and stays up to 30 percent cooler than skin temperature.


7. Exercise


A pregnant woman must do yoga and exercises to make her active and to feel fresh. Yoga and exercise would help to make you energetic and calm. Doing exercise is the best tips for a cooler pregnancy this scorching summer.




In the above article, we have shared 7 amazing tips for a cooler pregnancy this scorching summer. These tips would surely help to manage your pregnancy time in summers easily and effectively. These tips for a cooler pregnancy would help to make yourself comfortable and happy. If you are changing your diet then consult your gynecologist before changing it.


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