9 Secrets For Brighter And Whiter Teeth That Nobody Will Tell You

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

Not only do your teeth help you chew and talk but also they can make or break your smiling appearance. Here are the Secrets for Brighter And Whiter Teeth.

Do you know about 18 percent of people report of concealing their teeth in photos due to being embarrassed by the yellow appearance of their teeth?


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Having great teeth is very important in our culture today, so with this, there is a growing number of people using whitening paste and white strips as part of their oral care at home or having professional in-office whitening treatments.


Your teeth are one of the first things people ever notice; hence they’re a sign of good health as well as confidence. When making a first impression, most of us worry about having aged, crooked or discolored teeth, which can send a signal that we don’t really care about ourselves.


Who doesn’t want to have a beautiful smile with brighter and whiter teeth? But what’s the secrets for brighter and whiter teeth ?




Here are 9 Tips on How to Get Brighter and Whiter Teeth.

1. Go on a white-teeth diet:

If you usually took red wine and smoking or taking a bed food diet, I will suggest you switch it with a good diet. What you can do first is brush immediately after eating or drinking foods that stain your teeth and use a good bleaching agent for brighter and whiter teeth.


2. Chuck your toothbrush:

Several dentists suggest that a person should change his or her toothbrush on every two to three months for healthy teeth.


3. Always clean your tongue:

Use a tongue scraper every morning to remove the tongue plaque and freshen your breath. One of the major cause of bad breath is the development of bacteria on the tongue.


4. Gargle with apple cider vinegar:

Do this process of gargle in the morning and then brush as usual for brighter and whiter teeth.


5. Eat ‘detergent’ foods:

You know foods that are crisp and firm, actually help in cleaning the teeth as they’re eaten.


6. Brush your teeth with baking soda once a week:

Use of baking soda helps in removing stains from teeth and mouth as well as helps to provide brighter and whiter teeth.


7. Stay fresh:

The freshness of your breath is also important for healthy teeth.


8. Try oil pulling:

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian folk remedy meant to improve oral hygiene and remove toxins from the body.


9. Use hydrogen peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent that also kills bacteria in your mouth.


Secrets for Brighter And Whiter Teeth



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Why Do Teeth Turn Yellow?

Teeth become discolored, turning yellow or even a beige or brown color, due to stains that slowly develop on both the hard, white surface of teeth called enamel as well as deeper within the teeth’s structure.


Underneath the enamel part of the teeth, there is a pale brown substance known as dentin, which can become more visible when enamel gets thinner.


Dental erosion due to chronic loss of dental hard tissue can also be a reason for yellowing of teeth.


Some of the other reasons for teeth yellowing or browning include;

  • Drinking coffee or tea
  • Eating a poor diet
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Thinning tooth enamel due to aging
  • Suffering from dry mouth





So, with all these tips now you know the secrets for brighter and whiter teeth at your home. Hence, try as much as tips you can and make sure that you should avoid those foods that cause yellowing of teeth.



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