Atkins Diet

, Health A2Z

What is Atkins Diet?

Atkins diet is also known as Atkins Nutritional Approach, which is a commercial weight-loss program.

The program is developed by the American physician and cardiologist Robert Atkins.

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Atkins diet is classified as a low-carbohydrate diet by providing effective weight loss to obese people.

Atkins diet is effective in helping people to achieve a short-term weight loss, which is better than not dieting in the longer term.

The diet may increase the risk of heart disease.

Several studies also proved that adults with epilepsy may get benefit from the therapeutic ketogenic diets.

According to the American Heart Association, high-protein and low-carbohydrate diets put people at risk of heart disease.

Misconceptions About the Atkins Diet:

several people believe that the diet promotes eating unlimited amounts of cheeses and fatty meats. It does not impose caloric restriction or specific limits on proteins but promotes eating protein until satiated.

How Does Atkins Diet Work:

Everyone’s metabolism uses two different types of fuel for energy including sugar and carbohydrates.

This diet limits the intake of sugar and carbohydrates in the body.

The diet also works in the process, in which it limits the intake of carbohydrates (sugar), so the body burns fat for making fuel for energy.

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The approach leaves the body steadily fueled, and helps in reducing the weight, even when more calories are being consumed.

Steady fueling also involves more constant energy levels all day long, and fewer cravings and hunger.

What Can a Person Eat on an Atkins Diet?

The Atkins diet is split into four different phases:

Phase 1 (Induction): In which under 20 grams of carbohydrates per day for 2 weeks. Eating high-fat, high-protein, with low-carbohydrate vegetables like leafy greens.

Phase 2 (Balancing): Slowly adding more nuts to the diet, eating low-carbohydrate vegetables and small amounts of fruit in the diet.

Phase 3 (Fine-Tuning): Adding more carbohydrates to the diet until weight loss slows down.

Phase 4 (Maintenance): Lastly a person can eat as many healthy carbohydrates as his body can tolerate without regaining weight.

What Snacks Can a Person Eat on an Atkins Diet?

There are several types of snacks that a person can take during his Atkins diet. Nuts including

  • Nuts such as macadamia, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, and almonds for making a perfect low-carb snack.
  • Cheese.
  • Olives.
  • Celery.
  • Full-fat yogurt, plain or Greek.
  • Cherry tomatoes.
  • Berries.
  • Cold meats. [ People Also Like: 13 Amazing Food for Eczema]



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