Low-Carb Foods – What Foods Do Not Contain Carbohydrates?

, Health A2Z

What are Low-Carb Foods?


Low-carb foods are those kinds of foods that contain low carbohydrates. Several studies have shown that low-carb diets generally cause more weight loss than the low-fat diets.


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Cutting carbohydrates from food can have numerous other benefits for metabolic health including a reduction in blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides, higher high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

Usually, people use or follow a low-carb diet for health benefits and reducing weight.


Low-Carbohydrate Diet or Low-Carb Diet:


The low-carbohydrate diet is a dietary program that restricts the excess carbohydrate consumption in the body. In these diets, the carbohydrate is replaced or limited with foods that contain the higher percentage of moderate protein like meat and fish, fats, and other foods like salad vegetables.

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, low-carbohydrate diets are the diets that restrict carbohydrate intake to 20 to 60 grams per day, and according to the U.S. Institute of Medicine, approve a minimum intake of 130 g of carbohydrate per day.


Health Effects of Low-Carbohydrate Diets:


Weight loss: Low-carbohydrate diet helps in reducing weight loss if an overweight person pursues a low-carbohydrate diet he/she will experience no superior benefit to cardiovascular health as compared to those who follow a balanced weight-loss diet.

Diabetes: Carbohydrate consumption is a traditional treatment for diabetes, it helps in the development of insulin therapy, and also helps in controlling glucose level.


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Blood lipids: It helps in maintaining high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level.


Foods to Incorporate into Low-Carb Diet:


Low-carbohydrate proteins:


  • Eggs- One large egg contains 6 grams of protein, less than 1/2 gram carbs, and 5 grams of fat. A study, published in the periodical “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,” reveals that eggs do contain cholesterol but don’t increase the risk of heart disease.


  • Beef- A beef contain protein, and also have the good amount of vitamins and minerals.


  • Hemp seeds- A 3-tablespoon hemp seeds contain 9 grams of protein, and hemp seeds can be used on foods like yogurt, salads or oatmeal.


  • Peanut Butter- A 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contain 7 grams of protein and 16 grams of healthy fats.


Low-carbohydrate snacks:


  • Nuts- Nuts such as almonds, walnuts or pistachios contain approximately 6 grams of proteins and carbohydrates.


  • String cheese- One cheese stick contains just 80 calories for 6 grams of protein.


  • Olives- It contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids with 2 grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram of fiber.


  • Jerky- It contains protein and carbs.


Low-carbohydrate grains:


  • Quinoa- It contains protein and fiber.


  • Oatmeal- It contains beta-glucan, which helps slow digestion.


Low-carbohydrate vegetables and fruits:


There are several vegetables and fruits that contain low carbohydrates including cauliflower, zucchini, spaghetti squash, sweet potatoes, plums, berries, and cantaloupe.


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