Diabetic Neuropathy: Types, Symptoms, Treatment

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z


Diabetic Neuropathy, well its a critical condition and it gets more serious if you already have diabetes. Although diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage and it majorly affects legs and feet. It frequently occurs if you are already a diabetic patient. The high blood sugar can also injure nerves throughout the body. So, if you want to know more about this damage then read the entire blog.


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What is Diabetic Neuropathy?



Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur if you have diabetes. High blood sugar (glucose) can injure nerves throughout your body. Diabetic neuropathy most often damages nerves in your legs and feet.



What are the Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy?



The symptoms are divided into 3 categories such as:



Peripheral neuropathy



The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include:



  • Numbness, pain, tingling, and burning sensations starting in the toes and fingers then continuing up the legs or arms.


  • Loss of muscle tone in the hands and feet


  • Not being able to feel the heat, cold, or physical injury


  • Loss of balance


Autonomic Neuropathy



The effects of autonomic neuropathy include:




  • Nausea, constipation or diarrhea


  • Hypoglycemic unawareness, in which a person does not feel the effects of low sugar levels


  • Difficulties speaking or swallowing


  • Feeling full after eating small amounts of food


  • Vomiting several hours after eating


  • Orthostatic hypotension, or feeling light-headed and dizzy when standing up


  • A faster heart rate than normal


  • Excessive sweating, even in cool temperatures or while at rest


  • Bladder problems, for example, difficulty emptying the bladder completely when urinating, leading to incontinence.



What are the Types of Diabetic Neuropathy?



There are mainly 4 types of Diabetic Neuropathy such as:


1. Peripheral symmetric neuropathy: This affects the feet and hands. It is the most common form of diabetic neuropathy.


2. Autonomic neuropathy: This occurs in the nerves that control involuntary functions of the body, such as digestion, urination, or heart rate.


3. Thoracic and lumbar root, or proximal, neuropathy: This damages nerves along with a specific distribution in the body, such as the chest wall or legs.


4. Mononeuropathies: These can affect any individual nerve.


Is Walking Good for Neuropathy?


Research has shown that strengthening exercises for peripheral neuropathy moderately improve muscle strength in people with PN. In addition, exercises to help peripheral neuropathy, when done regularly, may reduce neuropathic pain and can help control blood sugar levels. Aerobic Exercise. Flexibility Exercise.


Is exercise good for neuropathy?


Yes, exercise is actually a good option for neuropathy. This is one of the best ways to prevent the progression of diabetic neuropathy is to stay active. Physical activity is a great way to keep the blood sugar levels in check, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation.


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What Foods are Good for Diabetic Neuropathy?


Eat a diet high that’s in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and whole grains; contains a moderate amount of fish, poultry, nuts, and beans; and has a very low amount of red meat. Maintain healthy body weight. Manage your stress levels. Exercise for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week.



What Foods are Bad for Neuropathy?


These food are very bad if you are having a Diabetic Neuropathy:


  • Boxed mixes of potatoes, rice, and pasta


  • Canned meats


  • Canned soups and vegetables


  • Processed and packaged foods (lunch meat, sausage, bacon, ham)


  • Salty snack foods such as chips and pretzels




How to Treat Diabetic Neuropathy?


The treatment is categorized into 3 ways such as:


  • The slow progression of the disease: Medicines


  • Relieve pain: Anti-seizure drugs and Antidepressants


  • Manage complications and restore function: Urinary tract problems, Digestive Problems, Sexual Dysfunction.






As we have discussed in the above blog, Diabetic Neuropathy: Types, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment. The best and effective way to cure this disease is to stay active, have a healthy diet and go for a checkup on time to time. If you realize that your condition gets serious then consult diabetologist immediately.


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