Ectopic Pregnancy, A Rare Condition Of Embryo Outside The Womb

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


A very rare of the cases that you might find in the complication of pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy. The pregnant woman goes through the painful experiences once they suffer from it. At this point, support from family members is extremely important. Discussing here, we will let you know what it is and how can a pregnant lady cope with the situation in a more positive way.


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What kind of complication is an ectopic pregnancy?


Ectopic pregnancy also called extrauterine pregnancy, is when a fertilized egg grows outside a woman’s uterus, somewhere else in her belly. It can cause life-threatening bleeding and needs medical care right away. It registers less than 1 million cases in India. However, the complication being life-threatening needs to be discussed and people must be aware of this condition.


In most of cases, which sums up to 90% the embryo starts to develop in the fallopian tube which then makes it term as “Tubal Pregnancy”.


Are There Signs of Ectopic Pregnancy?


Yes, some of our ladies might just be lucky enough to have known the condition in advance, and before the things go out of hand. The symptoms start off as very common and can get worse if not treated at the right time.


Light vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain


This situation is one of the early signs, that there might be complications. If you do face such a condition, you must visit your gynecologist.


Upset stomach and vomiting


Though this is one of the common things that pregnant women face, you must visit and see your medical expert, in case it becomes consistent.


Sharp abdominal cramps


Due to the displacement of the embryo you might face abdominal cramps. It is nothing similar to normal pain, as you face too much pain.


Dizziness or weakness


The weakness and the dizziness can be due to the loss of blood that happens during this particular condition. The loss of blood as mentioned before can be life-threatening.


Apart from these, you might also feel pain in the body. It can be in the area of neck and rectum as well. You cannot take this condition of Ectopic Pregnancy lightly.


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Causes and risk factors that are related to ectopic pregnancy


Here are a few risk factors that can also be the causes that have caused ectopic pregnancy. You must think and get through these to keep the condition away.



  • Smoke cigarettes


  • Are older than 35



  • Have scarring from pelvic surgery


  • Had a previous ectopic pregnancy


  • Tried to have a tubal ligation (tubes tied) or tubal ligation reversal


  • Use fertility drugs


  • Had fertility treatments such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF)


It could also happen if you become pregnant while you have an intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control. Giving birth to a child is not only great luck but also very risky. You have to take care of your own health which is actually also the way you take care of the baby.


Ectopic Pregnancy is a rare condition, however, it does happen. In case you need to see a doctor or book doctor’s appointment, just download our app and get medical experts as per your requirement.


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