Get All Hormonal Disease Treatment In India

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Hormones are the building blocks of the human body. They’re chemicals that are responsible for controlling the functions of every organ. In fact, hormones are responsible for almost every major process in the body, as well as its growth. When the endocrine glands are unable to perform the way they should, or a gland gets diseased, the flow of hormones in the body suffers. This is where hormonal disease treatment in India with GoMedii comes in.


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Treatment for hormonal disease can be expensive globally. This is a problem for patients from Uganda, Cambodia, Afghanistan, and other such countries. It is impossible for patients from these countries to pursue good treatment. That is why international patients take advantage of affordable and medically advanced hormonal disease treatment in India with GoMedii.


How? Read on for more information.


International patients can pursue a consultation prior to planning their trip to India. Consult the best healthcare professionals regarding Hormonal Disease Treatment in India for just $20 USD with GoMedii. Drop a query to us on our website or contact us on WhatsApp (+91 9654030724). Patients may even email us at, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you at the earliest.


What Is Hormone Disease?


Hormonal Disease Treatment In India, Diagnosing Hormonal Disease in a Patient, Options for Hormonal Disease Treatment in India, Hypothyroidism Treatment In India, Hormonal Disease Treatment Cost in India


Hormones are chemicals responsible for almost every function in the human body. They tell the organs what to do and how to behave. This massive undertaking is done by the endocrine system.


The endocrine system is a series of various glands that produce these hormones and release them to the rest of the body. These glands control the heart, the bones and tissue, and even the body’s reproductive organs.


Problems in the endocrine glands can lead to issues such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism, growth dysfunction, and even sexual disorders among other hormone-related diseases.


The various hormone glands or endocrine glands in the body are responsible for different hormones. To help perform their functions, these hormones reach other parts of the body through the blood.


The various hormone glands and their functions are:


Adrenal Glands


Hormonal Disease Treatment In India, Diagnosing Hormonal Disease in a Patient, Options for Hormonal Disease Treatment in India, Hypothyroidism Treatment In India, Hormonal Disease Treatment Cost in India


The adrenal glands are present right above the kidneys. They are responsible for the hormone cortisol among others. The hormones produced by the adrenal glands control metabolism, the immune system, blood pressure, and other essential functions.




Hormonal Disease Treatment In India, Diagnosing Hormonal Disease in a Patient, Options for Hormonal Disease Treatment in India, Hypothyroidism Treatment In India, Hormonal Disease Treatment Cost in India


The hypothalamus is present in the lower part of the brain and controls the entire hormone gland system through the pituitary gland. It is also responsible for managing eating and drinking, the body’s temperature and energy maintenance, and the process of memorizing.


Ovaries/ Testes


Hormonal Disease Treatment In India, Diagnosing Hormonal Disease in a Patient, Options for Hormonal Disease Treatment in India, Hypothyroidism Treatment In India, Hormonal Disease Treatment Cost in India


The female and male reproductive organs, responsible for sex hormones in males and females.




Hormonal Disease Treatment In India, Diagnosing Hormonal Disease in a Patient, Options for Hormonal Disease Treatment in India, Hypothyroidism Treatment In India, Hormonal Disease Treatment Cost in India


The parathyroid consists of four small glands in the neck. They are mainly responsible for bone development among other roles.


Pineal Gland


Hormonal Disease Treatment In India, Diagnosing Hormonal Disease in a Patient, Options for Hormonal Disease Treatment in India, Hypothyroidism Treatment In India, Hormonal Disease Treatment Cost in India


A gland in the center of the brain responsible for producing melatonin and controls sleep patterns.


Pituitary Gland


Hormonal Disease Treatment In India, Diagnosing Hormonal Disease in a Patient, Options for Hormonal Disease Treatment in India, Hypothyroidism Treatment In India, Hormonal Disease Treatment Cost in India


The pituitary gland is often also called the master gland. This is because it is responsible for controlling a lot of the other glands.




Hormonal Disease Treatment In India, Diagnosing Hormonal Disease in a Patient, Options for Hormonal Disease Treatment in India, Hypothyroidism Treatment In India, Hormonal Disease Treatment Cost in India


The thymus is a small organ that decays over time, around puberty. However, in the body’s younger days, it teaches lymphocytes to fight infections and cancerous cells.




Hormonal Disease Treatment In India, Diagnosing Hormonal Disease in a Patient, Options for Hormonal Disease Treatment in India, Hypothyroidism Treatment In India, Hormonal Disease Treatment Cost in India


The thyroid gland is an important hormone gland. It controls the growth and development of the body by releasing a constant amount of hormones into the blood.

A hormone disease or disorder can easily put a spanner in the smooth functioning of the hormone glands in the body. This is why hormonal diseases should be treated as soon as possible.


Here is why you should pursue this treatment in India with GoMedii.


Expensive Treatments: A Common Problem


Thanks to today’s medical advancement, treating hormonal disease is much safer and painless. However, the treatment must be accessible to international patients in their countries.

Furthermore, these treatments are state of the art, technologically advanced, and thus, extremely expensive elsewhere around the world.

Pursuing treatment in another country may then be a problem for patients from countries who cannot afford it.

For international patients from countries such as Uganda, Afghanistan, Cambodia, and more, pursuing hormonal disease treatment in India may be the right choice.


The Solution to Expensive Treatments: Hormonal Disease Treatment in India with GoMedii


Today, India is internationally known as a leader in medical care and state-of-the-art treatments. Not just that, but healthcare in India comes at a fraction of international costs while serving the same level of quality.


And that’s not all. There are advantages of pursuing treatment through GoMedii.


GoMedii owns a promise of making treatment in India a therapeutic process for our patients from Uganda, Cambodia, Afghanistan, even the UK, and the United States.

To this end, we handle every need of our partner patients related to their journey and treatment in India. This includes a medical visa for India, doctor appointments, accommodation, anything you the patient need!

All our patients need to do is follow our instructions and come to India for a holistic and therapeutic medical experience.

Read on to know how GoMedii does this, and as a patient, what you can expect with Hormonal Disease Treatment in India.


Join the GoMedii Family


Such as this international patient from Uganda


Mathew Tuwangye is a 24-year-old man from Uganda and a part of the GoMedii global family. He came to India to pursue treatment for a misdiagnosed hormonal disease through GoMedii. His condition would chronically bother him and was misdiagnosed as an unrelated condition in Uganda. Only after pursuing quality medical care in India did Mr. Tuwangye find out that his condition was actually hypothyroidism, and his treatment began.


Mr. Tuwangye successfully pursued treatment at Apollo Hospital in India through GoMedii. When he came to India, he was frustrated as no treatment in Uganda had helped him. However, through GoMedii, Mr. Tuwangye got an opportunity to pursue treatment from one of the best hospitals in India, Apollo Hospital. Not only that, he successfully pursued this treatment with positive results and is today back in Uganda, living life.


Today Mr. Tuwangye raves about the medical services in India and recommends GoMedii to his friends and family.


To help our patients receive the best possible treatments, we work closely with the best hospitals and institutes in India. Apollo Hospital and Mathew Tuwangye are only one example of our many satisfied patients.


With GoMedii, international patients can expect the best names in Indian healthcare such as Apollo Hospitals, Fortis Hospitals, Medanta Hospital, Max Hospital, and more, providing them with exceptional yet affordable medical services.


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Diagnosing Hormonal Disease in a Patient


There aren’t exact tests for diagnosing hormonal diseases. However, a lot of the diagnosis is based on the patient’s medical history and current symptoms. The doctor will thoroughly go through the patient’s history and ask questions regarding their symptoms.

The symptoms of each hormonal disease vary slightly based on which gland is diseased. However, fatigue and weakness seem to be common symptoms.

Blood tests, urine tests, and imaging tests may be used to check for abnormal hormone levels or check the presence of a tumor.

However, treatment for hormonal diseases can be quite complicated, as it takes a delicate treatment and routine blood tests and checks.


Blood test


Blood samples can help detect most hormone imbalances.


Pelvic exam


Female patients may be asked to submit a pap smear to check for cysts lumps or tumors. Male patients may need to undergo a physical test for the same.


Ultrasound Test


Ultrasound imaging of the uterus, ovaries, testicles, thyroid, or pituitary gland can help check for abnormal conditions.


For more information regarding hormonal disease tests, international patients can pursue a consultation prior to planning their trip to India. Consult the best healthcare professionals regarding Hormonal Disease Treatment in India for just $20 USD. Drop a query to us on our website or contact us on WhatsApp (+91 9654030724). Patients may even email us at, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you at the earliest.


Options for Hormonal Disease Treatment in India


Treatment for hormonal disease depends on which hormone is causing it and which gland needs it. Hormonal therapy is the most common form of treatment for this condition.  A few examples are below.


Estrogen Therapy


This is a treatment for women whose bodies produce less estrogen. It also helps with managing symptoms of menopause.


Anti-androgen medication


Certain androgens are present in both males and females. Androgens are male sex hormones, Women who suffer from high androgen may need anti-androgen medication to control its effects.


Testosterone Therapy


Some males may suffer from low testosterone levels. In younger patients, this could lead to delays in puberty. These patients can be helped with testosterone therapy.


Hypothyroidism Treatment


The common treatment for this condition is hormone replacement. A synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine (Levo-T, Synthroid, others) is orally given to patients. This oral medication restores adequate hormone levels, reversing the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Certain lifestyle changes such as diet management and exercise may also help patients manage the effects of hormonal diseases.


Hormonal Disease Treatment Cost in India


International patients can pursue hormonal disease Disease treatment at affordable costs in India. This is what makes India the favored destination for medical treatments for international patients. Through GoMedii, international patients can pursue this treatment in India for roughly $5000- 6000 USD*.


May vary based on special patient requirements or needs.


The Benefits of Hormonal Disease Treatment in India with GoMedii


GoMedii offers world-class care at pocket-friendly prices in India. That is what makes India a known international hub of medical care. But did you know that there are other advantages of pursuing hormonal disease treatment in India with GoMedii?


  • Visa Application Services
  • Personal Relationship Manager
  • Translator Services
  • Pick and Drop Services


With GoMedii, patients feel like they’re being taken care of by a family. This is because unlike our competition, we take care of every aspect of our patient’s journey.


Our promise is that all the patient needs to worry about is their therapeutic treatment.

After all, it is why Mathew Tuwangye from Uganda and many other patients vouch for GoMedii.


So what are you waiting for? Contact GoMedii, your global treatment partner today!


For any further information regarding hormonal disease treatment in India, international patients can pursue an instant online consult through GoMedii for just $20 USD. Consult one of the top doctors in India regarding your condition. Just drop us a query on our website or contact us on WhatsApp (+91 9654030724). Patients also have the option of emailing us at, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you at the earliest.


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About GoMedii: GoMedii is a Healthcare Technology Platform That Works Out Your Treatment / Surgery the Way You Need & Plan. A Treatment partner that simplifies the patient journey at every step. Drop Your Queries for the most affordable & world-class treatment options.You may simply download the GoMedii app for Android or iOS.