You Can Quit Smoking Easily! Eager To Know How?

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

We all know about the health risks of smoking, but it does not make it easy to quit smoking. Now, you must be wondering that how to quit smoking, whether you’re a casual teen smoker or a lifetime smoker out of the daily pack, quitting can be very difficult. Nicotine in cigarettes provides a fast and reliable way to improve your point of view, reduce stress and make you relax. To successfully quit smoking, you must not only change your behavior and cope with nicotine withdrawal symptoms but also find healthier ways to control your mood. However, with the right chart of quit smoking, you can break the dependency and join the millions of people who have left this horrible habit forever.


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When you decide that you are ready to quit smoking, it is only half of the battle. Knowing where to start on the road to a smoke-free place can help you make the right choice. We found effective ways on how to stop smoking.


Smoking, second-hand smoke, and tobacco use are responsible for more than 10,00,000 deaths per year worldwide.


Most people are aware of the various health risks associated with smoking cigarettes, yet smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and disease.


Quitting smoking is not a single event that happens in a day; it’s a complete journey. By quitting smoking, you can actually improve your health, the quality and the length of your life as well as the lives of those around you.


To stop smoking, you must not only change your behavior and cope with the withdrawal symptoms that result from the cutting out of nicotine, but you must also need to find other ways to control your mood.


With the right board, you can free yourself from nicotine addiction and stop permanently.




Top 5 Ways on How to Quit Smoking:


1. Pick a Date in Your Calendar:


When you decide on a date in your mind, make sure that obey that day. Pick a day that is not too far in the future, but which gives you enough time to prepare yourself with the decision.

Basically, there are several ways on how to stop smoking, but ultimately, you need to decide whether you are going to:

  • Quit it abruptly, or continue smoking right up until your quit date.
  • Quit it gradually, or reduce your cigarette intake slowly until your quit date.


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2. Change Your Daily Routine and Avoid Triggers:


For this, first of all, you have to check and examine your current routine and recognize the times you smoke like with a cup of coffee in the morning, or after your meals. You will need to make changes to your routine and break those habits related to smoking.


How to Quit Smoking in Just 2 Days??




3. Use Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs):


If you want to quit smoking than NRTs can be your best friend. NRTs helps in reducing the withdrawal and craving symptoms you experience after giving up smoking. These are designed to wean your body off cigarettes and supply you with a controlled dose of nicotine while sparing you from exposure to other chemicals that found in tobacco.


The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved five different types of NRTs:

  • Skin patches


  • Lozenges


  • Chewing gum


  • Nasal spray (prescription only)


  • Inhaler (prescription only)


How to Quit Smoking in Just 2 Days??




4. Seek Behavioral Support:


If you are really suffering from issues on how to quit smoking than you can also seek behavioral support from your friends and relatives. It is said that when nothing helps you, only your loved ones support helps you.


How to Quit Smoking in Just 2 Days??




5. Make Yourself Busy:


Always try to make yourself busy. This will not only engage your mind but also helps in changing your daily routine, for this you may can try listening to music, playing some sports, and meditation.


How to Quit Smoking in Just 2 Days??






All the above-written suggestions are best if you are wondering how to quit smoking too. Before taking any type of NRTs to make sure to consult with your doctor regarding the same.


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