Are You Experiencing Andropause (Male Menopause): Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

Male menopause is commonly known as andropause, that describes the age-related changes in male hormone levels. The same group of symptoms is also called testosterone deficiency, androgen deficiency, and late hypogonadism.


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Male menopause is associated with a decrease in testosterone production in men aged 50 years or older. It often associated with hypogonadism. Both the conditions include low levels of testosterone and have similar symptoms.


The testosterone is a hormone that produces in the testes (testicles). It also promotes changes during puberty, nourishes your mental and physical energy, gets your muscle mass, regulates your fight or flight response, as well as regulates other important changes during the body development.


Male menopause is different in many ways from female menopause. On the one hand, not all men experience it. However, this does not mean a complete closure of your reproductive system. But, sexual complications can occur because of low hormone levels.




What are the Symptoms of Andropause?


There are several symptoms of male menopause including;


  • Low energy


  • Decreased motivation



  • Lowered self-confidence


  • Insomnia or difficulty sleeping


  • Increased body fat


  • Difficulty concentrating


  • Reduced muscle mass


  • Feelings of physical weakness


  • Gynecomastia


  • Erectile dysfunction


  • Decreased bone density


  • Reduced libido


  • Infertility or impotence



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What are the Causes of Andropause?


Andropause is usually triggered by low levels of testosterone hormones. This testosterone is responsible for male physical characteristics such as body and facial hair, deep voice, muscle strength, strong libido, and competitive behavior. The testes produce less testosterone as men get older.


However, some medical conditions can also trigger early andropause, such as testicular cancer and surgical removal of the testicles. Patients with prostate cancer, receiving the anti-testosterone treatment to maintain very low testosterone levels may also experience andropause.


With age, however, the body begins not only to produce less level of testosterone but also another hormone, known as sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) that pulls usable testosterone from the blood. These SHBG binds with some of the available testosterone circulating in the blood. While on the other hand that testosterone, which is not linked to the hormone SHBG is known as bioavailable testosterone, which means it is available to the body usage.


Men who have symptoms associated with andropause also have reduced levels of bioavailable testosterone in their blood. Therefore, the tissue obtained from the body has a lower level of testosterone, that can cause several physical and psychological changes such as mood swings or fatigue.


Other causes may include;

  • Higher expectations from life,


  • Poor diet


  • Lack of exercise


  • High cholesterol level




How Can You Diagnose Andropause?

Andropause can be diagnosed on the bases of a physical examination, and blood test for checking the testosterone level in the body.




What are the Treatments for Andropause?

There are different kinds of treatment options available for andropause depending upon its symptoms including;

The most common treatment for a patient with andropause is replacing testosterone in the blood.

People suffering from andropause receives testosterone in different preparations such as in the form of skin patches, gels, capsules, and injections.





Well, it’s normal to encounter a decline in the testosterone levels or to face andropause as you get older. Not in every case, but some men have symptoms that are easily manageable, even without treatment. But if your symptoms are causing you difficulty, then you should consult with your doctor. The doctor can provide recommendations that will help you manage or treat your symptoms.


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