The Most Common Chronic Diseases In India

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


India is soon turning in to a country where it’s citizens are prone to many health issues, and there most common chronic diseases in India that people are getting prone to. We have brought insight to some of the most known and common chronic diseases to be aware of if you are living in the country. It is an effort to let you know the problems, the symptoms and the statistics of this disease and the spread in the country.


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According to the Jama Journal “With a population of 1.34 billion, the burden of disease in India is closely monitored by scientists interested in health globally. India’s burden of disease is dominated by apparently divergent clusters of disease—on the one hand, cardiovascular conditions that are classically associated with overnutrition and affluence; and on the other, diarrheal disease and lower respiratory tract infections that are classically associated with undernutrition and poverty This paradoxical mix of diseases reflects an ongoing epidemiologic transition, which has emerged alongside the transition from a low-income to the middle-income economy.2 India boasts one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, but economic gains have been heterogeneously distributed across the population. Against this dynamic epidemiologic and economic backdrop, there is a growing interest in disaggregating national health statistics by socioeconomic groups, in part to inform discussions on the allocation of finite resources for health and health care.”



Most Common Chronic Diseases in India:



1) Breast Cancer:


One of the most common cancers found in female citizens of the country is breast cancer. Cancer becomes deadly as it does not stay only to the concerned area organ but can be invasive and spread to other parts of the body as well.


The most common symptoms are-


1. Presence of lumps

2. Inverted Nipples

3. Discharge from the Nipple

4. There is a change of shape of the breast


If you find these symptoms, you should consult your concerned doctor and health expert. A research conducted in 2007, concluded that nearly 1,00,000 women suffered from breast cancer every year, of which 50% of women belonged to the pre-menopausal population.



2) Prostate Cancer


Men in the country aren’t safe either if the women have to face their share of problems. The men in India are highly vulnerable to prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer is one of those types of cancer which is typical to men as it develops in the prostate gland, found in a man’s body. The age group that is most affected falls under 65 years and above. When we see in case of India the average age group falls between 35 years to 64 years if one considers the unique data of metro cities as well. The average number of patients has risen from 3.7 per 1,00,000 men in 2008 to 9-10/1,00,000 in 2016. The following might be the symptoms during the condition:


1. You have a problem in urination

2. Erectile Dysfunction

3. Painful sensation During Urination or Ejaculation

4. Blood in Urine or Semen

5. Weight Loss and Fatigue


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3) Diabetes


Indians love their sweets, their Ladoos, and their Gulab jamuns. This has made the Indian subcontinent contribute highest to the tally of diabetic people. Diabetes occurs due to the high sugar level in your blood. This is the reason that it tops the list of the most common chronic disease. The symptoms are very common but you have to make sure you do visit your doctor. The common traces are:


1) Weight loss

2) High blood sugar level

3) Rapid heartbeat

4) Weight gain


Thus, it is not really surprising that by 2008 India held 21% of the world’s share of diabetic patients and that by 2017 with 70 million registered cases of diabetes, India because of the 2nd country in the world with the most number of diabetic patients.



4) Heart diseases


The most heartwarming people around the world, we Indians have heart diseases as the most common chronic disease in India. It ranges from high blood pressure to major coronary heart disease that causes untimely death in India. The severity of the problem depends on which part of the heart is affected, heart disease is divided into several types, each type has a unique cause, symptom and diagnosis procedure.


The symptoms of these are


1. Pain in left arms

2. Chest Pain which might be confused because of indigestion

4. Shortness of Breath

3. Dizziness

5. Nausea/Vomiting

6. Back Pain


According to a study “In the past 20 years, incidents of coronary artery disease have risen to include around 3.5% of the total rural population of India and 9% of the total urban population.”



These are among the few that are a frequent and most common chronic disease in India. This shows how important it is for India and the government to take actions that would improve the health conditions of the people in the country. We are doing little by providing you a list of experts and consultants you can call.


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