9 Most Effective and Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z


Flu it often starts with fever, cold and coughing. The persistent feeling of itching by a sore throat is often upset, and it starts affecting your productivity at work as well as home.


Contagious in nature, sore throat is often the first signal our body gives in reaction to the infection which has entered our body. Sore throat is a condition which affects your local area. Here is some fastest way to get rid of sore throat:


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Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat





9 Most Effective and Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat(4)


Gargles are our grandmother’s favorite way to cure sore throat infection, it is one of the fastest ways to get rid of sore throat. A glass of lukewarm water along with a pinch of salt can increase the blood flow to the pharyngeal region which will eventually wash off the infection. A glass of lukewarm water with the pinch of salt may help the mucus, which often toughens up at a time like this will loosen and get out of the body easily.



2. Warm Liquids:

9 Most Effective and Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat(3)

Warm liquids such as ginger tulsi tea, cinnamon tea, lemon honey tea or simply masala tea work as wonder for your throat. If your throat is choked because of the infection, warm liquids can help you to relax it. It is one of the fastest ways to get rid of sore throat.



3. Soft Diet:


9 Most Effective and Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat(1)


Try to eat light food which is easy for your throat to swallow and your stomach to digest. Foods which won’t hurt while going down your throat will also be extremely helpful. You can also consume a steamed apple with honey, mashed khichdi or dal with crushed vegetables for better results.



4. Steam:


9 Most Effective and Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat(6)


Use of the steam is the fastest way to get rid of sore throat. Add some cough suppressant in your steam and inhale it for a speedy recovery. This will help you to open up your throat and nasal area and also help you breathe properly.



5.Throat Southerners:

9 Most Effective and Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat(5)


If you are dealing with the sore throat condition, our throat tends to become dry and hence causes numbness in the throat area. Taking menthol or eucalyptus oil lozenges, cough lozenges can help you heal your throat faster.



6. Local Heat:


9 Most Effective and Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat

A sore throat can make you feel some pain too. Sometimes our throat gets spasms of pain or while we eat hard food, our throat starts to pain. At times when you feel some pain, you can apply a hot towel and heating pad around your neck give relief to the delicate aching area.


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7. Analgesics Antipyretics:

9 Most Effective and Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat(2)

Any medication should be taken only after confirming with your family physician. If you do not suffer from any allergies from over the counter an analgesics (NSAIDS), then taking them to bring down fever is useful and should be done right away.



8. Use a Humidifier:


9 Most Effective and Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat


Breathing in moist air can help you to soothe swollen tissue in your throat. Turn on a cool-mist humidifier to increase the amount of moisture in your room. You can buy humidifiers at most retailers.



9. What to avoid:


9 Most Effective and Fastest Way To Get Rid of Sore Throat (3)


While sore throat may be a very common problem for many with the change in season, we tend to stick to our everyday habits. Refrain from smoking, drinking caffeinated drinks like consuming oily and fried foods, cold drinks, and exercising. Exercising exerts our body and will not let it heal faster, consumption of foods and liquids with an excess of processed items will end up harming your throat more than you think.



Sore throat is very common during the changing weather, every second person faces it during the monsoon season once, if you are the one who is dealing it. So, we have the list of some fastest way to get rid of sore throat, try these it will definitely help you.


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