Negative Effects Of Weight Loss Drinks, That Are True

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

“Hey, got your Redbull with you? Or that energy drink you were talking about? The monster?” How many times have you heard them say this? If you are someone who loves to work out and takes these energy drinks, we are here for you to “LISTEN”. Do you know the Negative effects of weight loss drinks?


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The ones we mentioned, might not exactly be “weightloss” drinks, but are we not right that with time they are filling our kitchen shelves? So, how do we know the better way to use it and also see the negatives of it? Well, it can be done by reading the blog till the end.


Are you among those who run, squat, and skip but still end up feeling uncomfortable and tight in your jeans? So was I!  We are sure you must have tried all the “low fat” “low calories” and still gone to these “weight loss drinks”. We do not want to demotivate you, but this might be doing more harm than good.


Negative effects of weight loss drinks, No One told You


We are not telling here to not try these drinks or in any way pointing that they do not work well. Yet, heavy dependence on them can prove very harmful. How? Well, that is what we tell you!


1. More than not, they increase weight


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Losing weight is actually a very complex mechanism of your body. It is like asking you to give up your favorite clothing because the material is not good.

Hence, losing the excess fat is necessary, some drinks, however, disturb this balance, and can rather cause gain. So, your body might shed fat while working out, but they gain when you exceed the limit of your intake.


2. Those kidney beans do get affected


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We would rather be writing “positives” than negatives, as far as the weight loss drinks were in question. If the kidneys were not involved. A little surprised? Yes.

The Negative effects of weight loss drinks do not only involve the busting of your efforts but might harm kidneys.

The protein shakes that you take actually harm your kidneys. They are like we said add ons, and it becomes an extra pressure to digest more than the amount for your body. Hence, the final pressure comes on your kidneys!


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3. The gall bladder is the next target


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Gallstones, which occur in 12% to 25% of people losing large amounts of weight over several months. This is also because of the “weight loss drinks” which you take in excess.


We are in no way telling you to stop, however, you must know what you are taking and providing to your body. You must not harm yourself in name of weight loss.


4. Dehydration, we must not get started


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The absorption capacity of your body increases when you take supplements. Hence, if you think your previous intake of water will be fine, it will not be!


Your body now needs more fluids to digest the extra amount you are getting it. The breaking down needs more fuel, so time and there you might feel that you are not really feeling all hydrated!


What to do to reduce the negative effects of weight loss drinks?


Taking them in a sober amount may help. It can make your body and your intake come in balance. Your workouts become more effective and you get those curves and burns going!


Anything which is not happening at a natural pace is harmful. While you might feel that the Negative effects of weight loss drinks are only in numbers, the amount of harm can be way more! So, choose and work safely, being fit, and being thin are two different things!


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