Parkinson’s Disease a Central Nervous System Disorder By Dr. Rajnish Kumar

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z



Are you fully aware of Parkinson’s disease? Not at all, well, Parkinson’s disease! It is a disorder associated with the nerves of the brain, due to which people may experience rigidity, constipation, shiver, and slow-motion because the person who has this disease problem is often depressed. So let’s get some awareness about this disease. If you want to know more then read the entire blog to help your loved ones.


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What is Parkinson’s Disease?


Parkinson’s disease is a growing nervous system disorder which generally affects the movement and the symptoms which start gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. Tremors are quite common, but the disorder also commonly causes stiffness or slowing of movement.


In the early stages of this disease, your face may show a little or no expression. Your arms may not swing when you walk. Your speech may become soft or slurred. Parkinson’s disease symptoms worsen as your condition progresses over time.



What are the Stages of Parkinson’s Disease?


There are 5 main stages of this Disease:


Stage 1: Parkinson’s is the clement form. It’s so mild, in fact, you may not experience symptoms which are noticeable. They may not yet interfere with your daily life and tasks.


Stage 2: The progression from stage 1 to stage 2 can take months or even years. Each person’s experience will be different. They may experience -muscle stiffness, tremors, changes in facial expressions, trembling.


Stage 3: At this middle stage, symptoms reach a turning point. While you’re unlikely to experience new symptoms, they may be more noticeable. They may also interfere with all of your daily tasks.


Stage 4: The progression from stage 3 to stage 4 brings about significant changes. At this point, you will experience great difficulty standing without a walker or assistive device.


Stage 5: Also, at this stage, individuals with Parkinson’s may experience confusion, delusions, and hallucinations. These complications of the disease can begin in the later stages.


What are the Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?


These earliest signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include:


  • Lessen ability to smell (anosmia)


  • Obstipation


  • Small, cramped handwriting


  • Voice changes


  • Stooped posture


The four major problems seen are:


  • Tremor (shaking that occurs at rest)


  • Slow movements


  • Stiffness of arms, legs, and trunk


  • Problems with balance and tendency to fall


Secondary symptoms include:


  • Expressionless


  • The tendency to get stuck when walking


  • Muffled, low-volume speech


  • Decreased blinking and swallowing


  • The tends to fall backward


  • Reduced arm swinging when walking


Other, more serious, symptoms may include:


  • Blistering white or yellow scales on oily parts of the skin, known as seborrheic dermatitis.


  • Increased risk of melanoma, a serious type of skin cancer


  • Sleep disturbances including vivid dreams, talking, and movement during sleep




  • Hallucinations


  • Psychosis


  • Problems with attention and memory


  • Difficulty with visual-spatial relationships



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What are the Complications of Parkinson’s Disease?


Here, are a few complications which the patient may experience in Parkinson’s disease:


Thinking Difficulties: You may experience cognitive problems (dementia) and thinking difficulties. These usually begin in the later stages of Parkinson’s disease. Such cognitive problems aren’t very responsive to medications.



Emotional Changes: You may experience depression, sometimes in the very early stages. Getting treatment for depression can make it easier to handle the other challenges of Parkinson’s disease.



Swallowing Problems: You may develop difficulties with swallowing as your condition progresses. Saliva may hoard in your mouth due to slowed swallowing, leading to drooling.



Chewing and Eating Problems: Late-stage this disease affects the muscles in your mouth, making chewing difficult. This can lead to choking and poor nutrition.



Sleep Problems and Sleep Disorders: People with this disease often have sleep problems, including waking up frequently throughout the night, waking up early or falling asleep during the day.



Bladder problems: It may cause bladder problems, including being unable to control urine or having difficulty urinating.


Obstipation: Many people with Parkinson’s disease develop constipation, mainly due to a slower digestive tract.



What are the Preventions of Parkinson’s Disease?


There are 3 main preventions of Parkinson’s disease include:


Turmeric: This spice contains curcumin, an antioxidant ingredient. It may help to prevent the clumping of a protein involved in Parkinson’s disease, at least one laboratory study has found.


Flavonoids: Consuming another type of antioxidant flavonoids may lower the risk of developing this disease, according to research. Flavonoids are present in berries, apples, some vegetables, tea, and red grapes.


Avoiding broil cooking oils: Scientists have linked toxic chemicals, known as aldehydes, to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, and some cancers.


Is Walking Good for Parkinson’s Disease?


According to the research, neurology suggests that regular, moderate exercise, such as walking briskly, can help to improve the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, the chronic motor system disorder. It mainly affects people over the age of 50.


What is the Best Diet for Parkinson’s?


While there is no prescription for a PD-specific diet, to maintain overall good health most people living with Parkinson’s disease should eat a variety of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy products, and protein-rich foods such as meat and beans.




In the above blog, we have shared Parkinson’s disease and its stages, symptoms, complications, and preventions. If your condition gets bad then consult a doctor immediately.


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