Keep Up With Skin And Hair Health In Quarantine

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


We are sure that by now, you have discovered all the cooking and beauty hacks that you will keep trying after the lockdown. Yet, you have to keep in touch with the skin and hair health in quarantine, so that you can look better and brighter once the lockdown ends. Yet, what can you do which you have not done already? Well, maybe there are still some of your tricks left which we would tell you!


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What can go wrong with skin and hair health in quarantine?


You must be thinking that in this hot sun you are not outside, which might just be the best for the skin. Oh yes, it is! You are but not aware of the fact that the sun is not the only thing that affects your skin.



When you are at home, you hardly realize that washing your face at least twice is necessary. Similarly, your hair is just not damaged because of pollution but also the continuous stress that you might have in this lockdown.


Do these things for your skin and hair health in quarantine


Keeping all your doubts in place, we are here with a few simple ways which you can use. It will help for both, your skin and health care in quarantine times. Let us see them one by one.


1) Breath in and breath out


We know that meditation gives our mind strength and peace. What we do not know is that it also takes the toxins out of the body. This makes your skin look better and also slows down the aging process. With taking the stress out your hair-fall is managed! So, it is the best time for you to practice some meditation for your skin and hair health in quarantine!


2) The punch of amla juice


Oh yes! The beauty fruit, amla can be extremely refreshing at this time. You can make tasty smoothies out of it or put a little effort to get the juice. Drink the smoothie and see your face and hair shine. One bonus we would give you is that amla is also good for your stomach.


3) Besan paste


Tan removal products have been earning way too much, did you know you had a better option in your kitchen? Well, that was the besan that your mother would use to cook food. Put some lemon and curd to make a slim paste and scrub it off when dried. Well, there you go, a glowing skin!


4) The mustard shine


Did you know that the mustard oil is far better for your hair than the preserved and chemical infused market oils? Yes, we know you would say coconut oil, which is down in our list too! Yet, you should know that a lightly heated mustard oil hair massage can give you the strength your hair needs.


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5) When life gives you a lemon, make a pack out of it


Yes! Surprise surprise! With the change in weather, which in no way will stop due to the lockdown, your skin and hair health in quarantine will be affected. Yes, we are talking about dry skin and dandruff. You must have heard that lemon and honey with a little bit of aloe vera, gives you clear moisturized skin. Similarly, a paste of lemon juice and coconut oil can keep dandruff away.


6) Coconut oil, the miracle


We do not have to say much about how this oil can keep up your skin and hair health in quarantine. With a perfect massage for hair and a good layer on your skin can fight hair-fall and acne as well.


7) Water Intake


Oh well, this is every dermatologist telling you, drink enough water!


8) Aloe vera! The King


We saved the majestic one for the last! Aloe Vera is like God’s own sent plant for all your hair and skin problems. A good aloe vera on your hair and some on your face can help you get through a lot of things! It is one ingredient you cannot miss in skin and hair health in quarantine!


During this time, take your best care. What best could you do is keep up with skin and hair health in quarantine. So, stay safe and stay at home!


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