Top 7 Essential Monsoon Health Tips

Vaibhav Saxena

, Health A2Z

Monsoon is like a dessert we crave after a meal of spicy food. Yes, summers are quite irritating and difficult to survive due to the immense heat and its consequences which are disastrous to handle.


Monsoon season is the time which arrives after the annoying summers which bring a wave of joy and happiness.


We all agree that the monsoon season is great as it caters opportunity for everyone is some aspect, children get to splash water and play. elderlies get to take the peaceful sip of tea while sitting in the balcony or veranda.


Also, the rain brings better food cravings and helps in treating rash which has been aroused in summers. Everyone craves for the rain to happen and wash away the dryness caused by the heat of summer without caring for their health or any monsoon health tips.


Knowing all these many benefits of the rainy season, one still can’t deny the fact that there are many health problems and issues come attached along with the rain as well. These health risk can be mild or severe so attentive care is required to tackle them.


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We have curated a list of top 7 essential monsoon health tips which are fruitful to follow.


Top 7 Essential Monsoon Health Tips




Top 7 Essential Monsoon Health Tips:


1. Adequate Fruits and Vegetables:

This is one of the essential monsoon health tips as whatever we eat matters the most. Fruits and vegetables are the most basic food that is consumed every person on daily basis but in monsoon, the chances of fruits to get contaminated or rotten increases as many microbes and insects are born. It is better to picky fruits and vegetable keenly.



2. Keep Safety Gears:

Rain is highly unpredictable and sudden. It is extremely difficult to detect the occurrence of rain so it is better utility and safety gears like an umbrella, rain boots, and a raincoat to stay dry. Getting wet frequently exposes us to many infections and diseases like flu, fever and fungal infections.



3. Drink Water:

Quenching water often never goes outdated in any season of the environment. Water is the major necessity of the body as not only water helps in staying hydrated but also keeps up immune from many diseases.



4. Kick Away Mosquito Induced Diseases:

Mosquitoes are surely fragile and small insects which are annoying but are dangerous for health at the same time. During monsoon season, water stagnation is one of the most common things.


Whereas stagnated water is the most friendly and favorable environment for the mosquitoes to thrive. These mosquitoes can cause diseases like malaria, dengue and allergies so it is better to throw away stagnated water immediately.


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5. Take Dry Food:

Most of the people have a special soft corner for the watery food whereas in monsoon season they can cause trouble as watery food can bloating and swelling in the body. It is better to pick dry food option like peas, corns and more which give you appropriate nutrients and no harm.



6. Consume Vitamin C:

This one of the monsoon health tips might look strange to you as it is not much popular but yes, it is beneficial. Vitamin C has the potential to eliminate the bad bacterias in the body which can lead to flu and cold.


Also, consuming Vitamin C can help you in building better immunity against many diseases. Broccoli, green pepper, spinach are a great source of Vitamin C.



7. Avoid Spicy Foods and Milk:

This tips can be the most difficult one out of the all monsoon health tips as quitting two of the most favorite food choices is a tough task.


Spicy foods can cause allergy and stomach problem in the rainy season whereas milk product can cause the same due to the presence of germs. You can consume yogurt, curd, and mildly spicy foods as an alternative.




Top 7 Monsoon Diseases That Must be Avoided:

Following is a list of major disease and condition that arouses at this time of the year on the peak so it is better to get regular check-ups and take precaution to avoid them.

  • Dengue
  • Cold
  • Flu
  • Food infection
  • Water infection
  • Cholera
  • Leptospirosis





The bottom line for everyone who loves enjoying all the monsoon activities is that avoiding any hassle and tension is the best way to enjoy the most. In order to avoid hassle and tension, follow the aforementioned essential monsoon health tips which can help you in leading a robust lifestyle.


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