What is Vaginoplasty! Important Facts Related To The Treatment

Shikhar Atri

, Health A2Z

We are talking about vaginoplasty, it is also known as vaginal surgery. Women undergo this surgery to tighten the vagina by the treatment. For this surgery an alternative is also available, some women undergo noninvasive vaginal surgery through heating tissues with radiofrequency waves or lasers.


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Current time many women are want to undergo vaginoplasty surgery, they feel that this may change their figure and looks, but nothing happens, it is just an illusion. Vaginoplasty can be performed in a 16-year-old girl to a 70-year-old woman. Usually, girls and women are demand that the shape and form of their private part be changed after doing cosmetic surgery. But this surgery is performed on the upper part or outermost part of his genitals.


Risks and Complications in Vaginoplasty Surgery


There are always some risks associated with surgery, which is very important for you to know. But not all women have vaginoplasty complications. If any complications after the surgery, then doctors give some medicines for this, which gives them relief. Some immediate postsurgical risks include:


  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Problem during the sex
  • Bleeding
  • Fistulas
  • Vaginal prolapse
  • Granulation tissue
  • Vaginal Yeast Infection


Why vaginoplasty required?


When a woman gives birth to a child, then she will undergo this surgery, all women are not needed this surgery. Women give these surgeries after giving birth because they have sex earlier than that, after which women may complain of vaginal indifference. This causes stretching of tissues and separation of muscles, at that point of time a tampon falls out, due to this can create sexual dysfunction.


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What is the procedure of vaginoplasty?


When a woman wants to increase the tightness of the vagina, then she undergoes surgical treatment. As you know the vagina is designed to stretch during childbirth, some women feel that their vagina will never come back to its original shape and size. But after this surgery, they will feel the difference. In some age women also feel discomfort or experience vaginal dysfunction in sexual activity.


When a woman’s vaginal structure and vaginal dysfunction have to improve in the form of a vagina, doctors perform vaginoplasty surgery. In this surgery, the doctor removes some of the upper parts, after which the vagina becomes tighten.


Who is eligible for the treatment of Vaginoplasty?


All women who give natural childbirth are eligible for this surgery. But before this, the doctor will also check your current or past medical future and they also suggest some tests before the vaginoplasty surgery to check your health status and also tells you about the possible risks and complications.


This step is very important for both the doctor as well as the patient, this step will help the doctor to understand the patient very well. Only then your doctor knows how to better treatment for you.


After recovering from Vaginoplasty?


Women who undergo vaginoplasty surgery take one to three weeks after this. After this surgery, women may feel a lot of pain for a few days, apart from this they cannot use tampons or also do not have intercourse for eight weeks. It depends on the amount of performance, some patients may be instructed to use dilators.


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