What Vitamins Are Good For Energy And Focus?

, Health A2Z

What is Vitamin?

Vitamins are a good source of organic compounds and have several essential nutrients that an organism requires.

An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin that can not be synthesized by an organism in sufficient quantities, thus these compounds are obtained through the diet.

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Vitamins do not include essential nutrients such as fatty acids, dietary minerals, and amino acids.

Vitamins are necessary for the normal growth and function of the body. There are several roles of vitamins in the body such as it shore up bones, boost the immune system, heal wounds, convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage.

Types of Vitamins:

There are total 13 essential vitamins that are classified by both biological and chemical activities including Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K.

Vitamin A: It is mainly classified as retinol and retinal which are fat soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause night blindness and keratomalacia and overdose can cause hypervitaminosis.

Source- Orange, leafy vegetables, ripe yellow fruits, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, fish, soy milk, and milk.

Vitamin B1: It is mainly classified as Thiamine which is water soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and Beriberi, overdose can cause Drowsiness.

Source- Pork, oatmeal, vegetables, brown rice, potatoes, liver, and eggs.

Vitamin B2: It is mainly classified as Riboflavin which is water soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause glossitis, ariboflavinosis, and angular stomatitis.

Source- Bananas, popcorn, dairy products, green beans, and asparagus.

Vitamin B3: It is mainly classified as niacinamide, niacin and nicotinamide riboside which is water soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause pellagra, and overdose can damage the liver.

Source- Meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, many vegetables, and tree nuts.

Vitamin B5: It is mainly classified as pantothenic acid which is water soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause paresthesia, and overdose can cause diarrhea.

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Source- Broccoli, avocados, and meat.

Vitamin B6: It is mainly classified as pyridoxine which is water soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause peripheral neuropathy and anemia, and overdose can damage the nerve.

Source- Tree nuts, meat, vegetables, and bananas.

Vitamin B7: It is mainly classified as biotin which is water soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause dermatitis and enteritis.

Source- Liver, peanuts, leafy green vegetables, and raw egg yolk.

Vitamin B9: It is mainly classified as folates which is water soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause pernicious anemia, and overdose can cause the acne-like rash.

Source- Poultry, fish, eggs, meat, and milk.

Vitamin C: It is mainly classified as ascorbic acid which is water soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause scurvy, and overdose can cause vitamin C megadosing.

Source- Many fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin D: It is mainly classified as cholecalciferol which is fat soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause rickets, and overdose can cause hypervitaminosis D.

Source- Liver, fish, eggs, mushrooms.

Vitamin E: It is mainly classified as tocopherols which is fat soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause sterility in males, miscarriage in females, and overdose can cause increased congestive heart failure.

Source- Vegetables, many fruits, nuts, and seeds.

Vitamin K: It is mainly classified as phylloquinone which is fat soluble. Deficiency of the vitamin can cause bleeding diathesis, and overdose can cause increased coagulation in patients that are taking warfarin.

Source- Leafy green vegetables like spinach and egg yolks.


Vitamins are very essential for organisms for their normal growth and function as well as for shoring up bones, boosting the immune system, healing wounds, converting food into energy, and repairing cellular damage.

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