Women’s Day 2022: Break The Bias in Healthcare

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

All around the world, 8th March is observed as International Women’s Day. It marks the efforts of the world to make every arena a safer and more empowering space for women. This year on Women’s Day 2022, we celebrate womanhood to break the bias which is in society.


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This bias can be seen in education, jobs, and even healthcare. Women’s healthcare has mostly suffered around the continents. The situation is worse than in countries that are not developed. At GoMedii we ensure that every corner of the world remains touched by accessible healthcare. Contact us to know how we can help you with your treatment journey!

What is the Women’s Day 2022 Theme?


Women's Day 2022, Women's Day 2022 Theme, International Women's Day 2022, Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow, Health Conditions that affect Women Frequently, Cervical cancer, Breast Cancer, PCOS and PCOD


International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on 8 March. It offers an opportunity to reflect on progress made, to call for change, and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.


The theme of International Women’s Day 2022 is “Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow” with #BreakingBias

Health Conditions that affect Women Frequently


These are many conditions that affect women. The right healthcare can help get the best potential of making a healthier women population. Here are some very critical conditions that women face in their health journey:

Cervical cancer


Take Extra Care In Cervical Health Awareness Month


The condition is cancer which arises in the cervix. Like all other cancer, it grows due to the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to spread to other parts of the body. At the early stage, typically no symptoms are seen. Over time symptoms may be visible which include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, or pain during sexual intercourse. Cervical cancer treatment may help to cure the growth of these cells.


Tips To Prevent This:


  • Get vaccinated to prevent cervical cancer
  • Get yourself checked for HIV
  • Taking Healthy meals helps in preventing cervical cancer
  • Quit Smoking and other addictions for preventing Cervical Cancer
  • Safe Sex helps in Preventing Cervical Cancer


(Also Read: Preventing Cervical Cancer in 8 Ways)

Breast Cancer


Be Aware About Breast Cancer Stages and Symptoms


Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is impacting 2.1 million women each year, also the death rate is higher in cancer-related death among women(according to WHO). In the context of India, currently, there is an increasing number of patients being diagnosed with breast cancer in the younger age groups (i.e., in their thirties and forties). Let me put this straight, here know about the effective ways of preventing breast cancer and lowering your risk of getting breast cancer.


Tips for Prevention:


  • Protect Yourself From Radiation and Pollution
  • Better Limit or Avoid HRT
  • Breastfeeding Benefits
  • Don’t Be Lazy
  • Healthy weight
  • Time to Say Goodbye to Bad habits



According to the doctors, aren’t sure what causes it. Still, PCOD is related to an imbalance of hormones in teenagers. Girls and boys both produce sex hormones, but not the same amounts.


Till now, excess insulin, genes, and inflammation have all been linked to excess androgen production. The polycystic ovary disease appears to run in families too, if this problem is someone in your family, then you may have more likely to develop it. You should know the symptoms because it can help to manage the condition.


Do these things


  1. You have to change your diet and choose the right foods because a nourishing diet can help to control your hormones and your menstrual cycle.
  2. It is linked with estrogen levels and hormone behavior. If you are consuming a high intake of caffeine then you should limit your caffeine intake.
  3. You have to add iron-rich foods such as eggs, spinach, and broccoli to your diet. Because it can reduce the risk of iron deficiency or anemia.
  4. Adding anti-inflammatory foods to your diet can help to manage your symptoms.
  5. Try to add high-fiber foods to your diet because it can help to improve your digestion.


At GoMedii we help you get treatment for all the above. Contact us and celebrate your womanhood on this Women’s Day 2022. How to connect with us? Get an instant appointment or consultation regarding medical treatment in India and regarding GoMedii helping international patients to avail of affordable medical care in India. Just drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


(Read- Breast Cancer: 6 Most Effective Ways of Preventing Breast Cancer)

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