World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2020 : Spread Awareness

Shikhar Atri

, Health A2Z

World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2020


The third Thursday of November is World Pancreatic Cancer Day – so in 2020 that’s 19th November. On this day people across the globe come together to raise awareness about the symptoms and risks of the disease, and the urgent need for earlier detection. So why not join in to share information on the disease, dress in purple or light up landmarks or your home in purple.


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What is Pancreatic cancer?


Pancreatic cancer occurs in the pancreas tissues, it is an organ inside the abdomen which lies horizontally on the lower part of your stomach. The pancreas releases some enzymes that provide help the digestion and help to manage your blood sugar.


It usually spreads fastly to its nearby organs and its rarely detected in its early stages. But if you have pancreatic cysts or you have a family history of the same, then there are some screening steps that can help you to detect a problem early. One of the common signs of the disease is diabetes along with weight loss, jaundice, or pain in the upper abdomen that spreads to the back.


What are the Sign and Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer?


This cancer usually remains undetected because it’s difficult to identify in the early stages until it’s advanced and difficult to treat. Majorly the symptoms only develop when cancer has grown and begun to spread.


Because more than 95% of pancreatic cancer is exocrine, and here we have described the symptoms first, followed by symptoms of rare forms of cancer.


  • Pain in the upper abdomen which moves to your back


  • Loss of appetite


  • Unintended weight loss



  • New-onset diabetes


  • Blood clots


  • Fatigue



What are the Risk Factors of Pancreatic Cancer?


There are the following factors that can increase the risk of disease include:



  • Chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)


  • Diabetes


  • The family history of genetic syndromes


  • Smoking


  • A family history of cancer


  • Obesity


  • Older age


What are the Complications of the Pancreatic Cancer?


By the time cancer progresses, it can cause complications like:


Weight Loss


There are various factors that can cause weight loss in people with pancreatic cancer. Cancer itself may cause Nausea, weight loss, or vomiting due to its treatments or a tumor present on it which press the stomach and make it difficult to eat.




It blocks the liver’s bile duct which can cause jaundice. The signs of jaundice are yellow skin and eyes, pale-colored urine and stools. It usually occurs without abdominal pain.




A growing tumor can press your nerves in your abdomen, resulting in pain which can become severe. Pain killers can help you feel comfortable.


Bowel Obstruction


It grows into or moves on the first part of the small intestine which can stop the flow of your digested food from your stomach into your intestines.


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What is the Prevention for Pancreatic Cancer?


You can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer if you:


Stop Smoking


If you do smoking then try to quit. Take the help of your doctor regarding the strategies to stop smoking, including medications, support groups, or any nicotine replacement therapy.


Maintain a Healthy Weight


If you are having a healthy weight then maintain it. If you have any overweight then try to lose weight, aim for a slow, steady weight loss.


Choose a Healthy Diet


A diet full of colorful fruits and vegetables and whole grains may help reduce your risk of cancer.




This world pancreatic cancer day, we all should take a pledge to spread awareness about cancer among the people. There are some ways which can help you to prevent yourself from the disease. But, still, if you find any of the above symptoms then you should consult your doctor as soon as possible because early diagnostic is the only way to cure the disease.


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