Menstrual Hygiene Day 2019: Theme, Significance, Objective

Divya Tripathi

, News

Hygiene plays an important role to stay fit and healthy. When it comes to women it became more important. The menstrual cycle is the most important time for women to maintain hygiene, due to lack of resources and information women are not able to maintain proper hygiene. Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated to spread awareness to maintain hygiene during the menstrual cycle.


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Menstrual Hygiene Day 2019


Lack of education, limited access to hygienic menstrual products, persisting taboos, and poor sanitation infrastructure undermine the educational opportunities, health and overall social status of women and girls around the world are the most common cause of poor menstrual hygiene.



Menstrual Hygiene Day is a global public platform to bring together all actions and voices of individuals, non-profits, government and the private agencies, and the media to promote good menstrual hygiene habits for all girls and women.



Especially the aim of Menstrual Hygiene Day are:



1. Raises awareness, breaks the silence, and changes negative social norms around MHM,



2. Engages decision-makers to increase the political priority and catalyze action for MHM, at global, national and local levels.



Menstrual Hygiene Day Theme 2019




The theme of Menstrual Hygiene Day 2019 is It’s “Time for Action” and it clearly indicates the urgency of this public health issue. This theme highlights how better menstrual hygiene and solutions can help empower girls and women globally. It will not only improve the lives of women worldwide but also help women unlock their educational and economic opportunities.




Menstrual Hygiene Day Significance



Menstrual Hygiene Day holds huge significance in terms of betterment of the conditions. Most of the women have to manage due to lack of fundamental sanitation facilities for women and young girls of menstruating age. Most of these women live in poor socioeconomic environments. According to a study conducted in India in 2014, found that around 42% of women who participate in the study did not know about sanitary pads. Not only they are unaware of sanitation things even they were unaware of their anatomy like exactly where do the menstruate from.



Objectives of Menstrual Hygiene Day:



The main objective of celebrating Menstrual Hygiene Day are:



  • Spread awareness about the challenges women face during their menstruation cycle and find a solution for it.


  • Discuss unconventional solutions to address the challenges.


  • Bring together organization and women working towards women issues on a regional and national level.


  • Actively support the integration of menstrual hygiene management into global, national and local programs.


  • This day is celebrated to spread awareness to participate in people from all walks of life. A collective effort is the only way to improve the lives of women and girls around the world, with at least providing them with the basic sanitary facility.


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