World Oral Health Day 2018

Tanuja Bisht

, News

World Oral Health Day (WOHD) is celebrated on 20th March every year. It is an international day which is celebrated to promote worldwide awareness regarding the benefits of a healthy mouth, issues around oral health and the importance of oral hygiene for everyone.



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Why is World Oral Health Day Important?

The World Oral Health Day is important because approximately 90% of the world’s population is suffering from oral diseases in their lifetime and the diseases can be avoided with increased health association, governmental and social support and funding for the prevention, detection and treatment programmes for healthy oral hygiene.


In addition, World Oral Health Day offers the oral and dental health community a platform to take action and help to reduce the overall disease burden.


It is a well-said line ” Your mouth is a mirror of your body which reflects your overall health and well-being.”


So you have to avoid risk factors for oral disease, adopt good oral hygiene habits and should have regular dental check-ups to help protect your mouth health.



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How Can You Celebrate World Oral Health Day?

There are some easy ways to hold your own World Oral Health Day celebrations, as well as some fabulous events that are held to honor the day. If you want to celebrate this day with others, you may join community events that are being held in your area. Many dental practices have special screenings and events that are held on March 20th to mark the day.




Following are Some Ideas Which You Can Use to Celebrate World Oral Health Day:


1. On this day you schedule a dental checkup –

Since your mouth health can be a good indicator of your overall health, it is best to get regular checkups of your oral health.


2. You may donate to a charity –

There are many great charities are there that especially focus on your oral health and helping people to get access to the dental care that really they need. These charities are varied and have different visions and purposes. It is a good idea to do some research on the charity before you donate.


3. Refresh your supplies –

You might think that you are doing a fair job of keeping your teeth clean but are you really doing enough for your teeth? After all, you want to keep your teeth strong and healthy for as long as possible. Things such as cavities, cracked teeth, and losing teeth can cause major pain in the mouth and may even require you to get oral dentures in the future. Keeping your mouth healthy requires care and commitment.


4. Upgrade your smile –

If you do all the basic things then why not go for a little upgrade? For this you make can talk to your dentist about teeth whitening solutions which are suitable for you. The dentist can check to tell if your teeth are healthy and ready to be whitened or you need some extra push. Celebrate the day by getting beautiful white teeth that could boost your confidence with a great smile!



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You can buy medicines online regarding all your oral health from GoMedii.

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