Fareeda Begum Gets Liver Cirrhosis Treatment In India

Taking care of ourselves as we age is something we tend to avoid. This is where most of us are wrong. Understanding that our body needs constant attention, is a duty towards our own well-being. Why do we say so? It is because today we bring to you a story of a 49-year-old Fareeda Begum from Bangladesh who got her Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida. What and how did she get through? What treatments were involved and how well she is doing now? We will get to know everything about it.


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Fareeda’s Liver Cirrhosis Treatment In Fortis Noida

Liver Transplant In India, Liver Cirrhosis Treatment In Fortis Noida, Liver Cirrhosis, Early symptoms and signs of cirrhosis, Fareeda Begum's Treatment, Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida, GoMedii Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida



Liver Cirrhosis is one such condition that might lead to major dysfunction of the body. The liver is the organ that helps keep your gut healthy, process digestion, and perform various important function that gives nutrition to your body. When Fareeda Begum was back in her country, a lot of wrong diagnoses had already made the conditions worse.


It was only after her son took the call that they must go to India for better treatment that they came across GoMedii. The contact form was filled and the GoMedii team ensured a quick consultation. It was within a week that the right kind of diagnosis was done and the team booked their appointment.


What is Liver Cirrhosis?


Cirrhosis is a late-stage liver disease in which healthy liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue and the liver is permanently damaged. Scar tissue keeps your liver from working properly.


Many types of liver diseases and conditions injure healthy liver cells, causing cell death and inflammation. This is followed by cell repair and finally tissue scarring as a result of the repair process.


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How Did Fareeda Begum find about Cirrhosis?


Liver Transplant In India, Liver Cirrhosis Treatment In Fortis Noida, Liver Cirrhosis, Early symptoms and signs of cirrhosis, Fareeda Begum's Treatment, Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida, GoMedii Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida


As we mentioned, our patient has no idea about the condition, until they chose to get Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida. The major signs and symptoms of the condition were ignored and this led to a major complication.


The signs and symptoms that you must look out for are mentioned here, you must ensure to go through them and in case you have a suspect, just drop your queries!


Early symptoms and signs of cirrhosis include:


  • Loss of appetite.
  • Feeling weak or tired.
  • Nausea.
  • Fever.
  • Unexpected weight loss.

As liver function gets worse, other more commonly recognized symptoms of cirrhosis appear including:

  1. Easy bruising and bleeding.
  2. Yellow tint to your skin or the whites of your eyes (jaundice).
  3. Itchy skin.
  4. Swelling in your legs, feet, and ankles.
  5. Fluid buildup in your belly
  6. Brownish or orange color to your urine.
  7. Light-colored stools.
  8. Confusion, difficulty thinking, memory loss, personality changes.
  9. Blood in your stool.
  10. Redness in the palms of your hands.
  11. Spider-like blood vessels surround small, red spots on your skin


Treatment suggested for Freeda Begum by Fortis Noida


Once the consultation and diagnosis were done, the final results read that there might be a chance that Freeda would need a transplant. She was kept under observation for a week after which the doctors decided that it was better that she underwent transplantation.

It was an important decision for the family to make. While the other things were taken care of like, the stay, the food, and VILs, Fareeda had to get a donor.

This decision was something that the family needed to prepare for and while the medicines were on, the search for donors is also in process.


What is the next step in Fareeda Begum’s Treatment?


Liver Transplant In India, Liver Cirrhosis Treatment In Fortis Noida, Liver Cirrhosis, Early symptoms and signs of cirrhosis, Fareeda Begum's Treatment, Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida, GoMedii Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida


As mentioned, Fareeda Begum’s Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida needs to complete the process of finalizing a donor. This is done to ensure that the body does not reject or get affected.

In the case of Fareeda, as she is reaching her 50s, it is important that she has a donor who is healthy and stands through all the necessary requirements.


What are the benefits of Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida?


Choosing GoMedii and Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida is a great choice and along with great quality healthcare services the other benefits are:

  • Most liver transplant patients live longer.
  • Most enjoy a better quality of life.
  • Less chance of dying from liver disease.
  • Most people say they have extra energy.
  • More likely to return to normal activities such as work and travel


GoMedii & Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida


If you want to get Liver cirrhosis treatment in Fortis Noida then you have found the right treatment partner with affordable medical care treatment. You have to simply drop your query on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at connect@gomedii.com our team will get back to you as soon as possible. You must contact us now!! 


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