Breast-Conserving Surgery For Breast Cancer Patients In India

Shikhar Atri

, Treatments

Did you know that breast cancer is one of the leading forms of cancer in women across the world? This form of cancer affects the lives of thousands of patients, often permanently. However, breast cancer can be treated and dealt with. Especially if caught early. Breast cancer often requires the removal of the entire breast. However, thanks to breast-conserving surgery, that may not be the case.


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Breast-conserving surgery is an advanced treatment that allows the removal of the tumor without removing the entire breast. However, this treatment is not easily available in all countries and areas around the world. At GoMedii, it is our goal to make this treatment accessible to everyone.


At GoMedii, we are not just medical tourism partners but also medical treatment partners for our international patients. Our bond with our patients is our forte and of prime importance to us. Find out more about breast-conserving surgery, and how you can pursue it in India for affordable treatment.


Patients can get a consultation for breast-conserving surgery in India through GoMedii for just $20 USD. Interested patients may drop a query to us on our website or contact us on WhatsApp (+91 9654030724). Patients may even email us at, regarding our services.


A Better Treatment in India with GoMedii


Today, many women patients from various countries have consulted us for breast conservative surgery for breast cancer patients over the years.


A patient from Afghanistan was suffering from Stage 1 breast cancer and was seeking treatment in India. She was in great distress as the medical scenario in Afghanistan was not up to mark for such a serious treatment.


This is why she reached out to GoMedii to seek breast-conservative cancer treatment in India. Today she is living a successful and cancer-free life back in Afghanistan, with plans to come back and settle in Delhi, India since she loved it so much here.


Just like for our patient from Afghanistan, we’ve changed the lives of many women suffering from various breast cancer conditions and seeking breast conservative treatment in India. If you’re a woman suffering from breast cancer anywhere in the world, don’t delay your treatment any longer! Seek affordable and state-of-the-art breast-conserving surgery in India.


What is Breast-Conserving Surgery?


Breast-Conserving Surgery In India, Breast Cancer Treatment In India, Types of Breast-Conserving Surgery, Breast-Conserving Surgery Procedure, Breast Conservation Treatment Hospital In India, Breast-Conserving Surgery Cost in India, GoMedii


Breast-conserving surgery is a treatment for breast cancer. It is a treatment option for early breast cancer. Lumpectomy or partial mastectomy are other terms for it.


Breast-conserving surgery is considered to treat cancer when it is localized within a single area in the breast. During a breast-conserving surgery or lumpectomy procedure, a small amount of normal tissue along with the tumor or formation will be removed. This procedure will treat the condition in the early stages and may also diagnose it.


Radiation therapy will take place after Breast-Conserving Surgery. This destroys cancer cells that may not have been removed during surgery. In some cases, chemotherapy and radiation will both be given after surgery. Radiation therapy is usually necessary after breast-conserving surgery to ensure no cancer is left behind even after treatment. There are a few rare cases where the cancer is localized and in a very initial stage, that radiation may not be needed after a partial mastectomy.


Types of Breast-Conserving Surgery


There are primarily two major types of breast conservation surgery. These are:




In early-stage breast cancer, cancer may be localized to an area of tissue. In this case, just cancer and some healthy tissue around it may be removed.


Partial Mastectomy


In this surgery, surgeons remove a larger part of the breast. This is because the tumor may be larger, and may require the removal of more tissue.


Breast-Conserving Surgery Procedure


Breast-Conserving Surgery In India, Breast Cancer Treatment In India, Types of Breast-Conserving Surgery, Breast-Conserving Surgery Procedure, Breast Conservation Treatment Hospital In India, Breast-Conserving Surgery Cost in India, GoMedii


Prior to the surgery, patients will need to sign a permission form. This form will give the surgeons and doctors permission to operate.


A few diagnostic tests may be involved such as a physical exam, blood tests, etc. This will be to check the patient’s overall health prior to surgery. Patients will be required to not eat for a few hours prior to surgery.


Feel free to talk to your healthcare provider to answer questions pertaining to your treatment. Below is the surgical procedure patients can expect with breast-conservation surgery.


  • Breast-conserving surgery will take place in a day. That means patients will most-likely get to go home the same day. Procedures may vary depending on the patient’s condition.
  • The procedure takes place under local or general anesthetic and the patient’s vitals will be monitored.
  • Surgeons make a small incision over the tumor in the breast. The doctor will remove the tumor using surgical tools, along with a minor layer of healthy tissue around it.
  • The removed tissue will be sent to the lab for examination. A drainage tube may be inserted into the affected area. The skin will be closed with stitches or adhesive strips. A sterile bandage or dressing will be placed over it.


For advanced stages of cancer, undergoing breast conservative surgery may not be enough. Often, surgeons will pair this surgery with radiation or chemotherapy to ensure no remnants of cancer remain.


Breast-Conserving Surgery and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy


Breast-Conserving Surgery In India, Breast Cancer Treatment In India, Types of Breast-Conserving Surgery, Breast-Conserving Surgery Procedure, Breast Conservation Treatment Hospital In India, Breast-Conserving Surgery Cost in India, GoMedii


Your surgeon may believe that there are chances cancer has spread beyond the breast. In such a case, the surgeon will do a sentinel lymph node biopsy prior to breast-conserving surgery.


Surgeons remove lymph nodes to test the presence of cancer. Where the lymph nodes are extracted depends on where the patient’s cancer is. Traditionally, surgeons remove a number of lymph nodes from the armpit in case of breast cancer.


However, with sentinel lymph node biopsy, surgeons remove only the first one or two lymph nodes at primary risk from the tumor.


This procedure may be done during early-stage cancer when concerns of enlarged lymph nodes are low or negligible.


If the extracted lymph nodes test negative, no further lymph nodes may need to be removed. If it tests positive, the infected lymph nodes will be treated with targeted radiation. In such a case, further lymph node removal still won’t be necessary.


Feel free to discuss treatment options with your GoMedii appointed surgeon or specialist.


Breast Conservation Surgery: The Aftermath


After the procedure, the patient will be closely monitored to ensure the surgery was successful. The healthcare team monitors the patient for a day or two if needed. Otherwise, the patient goes home the same day.

The patient will keep the surgical area dry at home. For this, the patient will be provided with specific bathing instructions.

The patient’s pain will vary based on the location of the tumor and the specific parameters of the surgery. Based on this, the patient will be provided with the necessary medication.

Patients will need to wear a bra for a certain period of time. This will help with support.


Patients should watch out for the following signs of complications:


  • Fever or chills
  • Redness, swelling, or bleeding
  • Increased pain
  • Swelling or numbness or tingling of the affected arm


Patients interested in pursuing breast-conserving surgery in India through GoMedii can get a consultation. Consult the best doctors in India, prior to your treatment. Interested patients may drop a query to us on our website or contact us on WhatsApp (+91 9654030724). Patients may even email us at, regarding our services.


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Breast Conservation Treatment in the Best Hospitals in India with GoMedii


International patients coming to India for breast conservation treatment can expect the best names in the industry. With GoMedii, the best breast cancer hospitals are available to overseas patients. Not only that but these hospitals work hand in hand with GoMedii to provide international patients with affordable breast cancer treatment in India. Expect some pioneers in the healthcare industry such as:


Apollo Hospital


Breast-Conserving Surgery In India, Breast Cancer Treatment In India, Types of Breast-Conserving Surgery, Breast-Conserving Surgery Procedure, Breast Conservation Treatment Hospital In India, Breast-Conserving Surgery Cost in India, GoMedii


Apollo Hospital is a well-known multispeciality hospital. The diligent staff at Apollo provides high-end care to patients. Breast cancer and breast conservation surgery at Apollo, in fact, healthcare in Apollo in general, is one of the best in the country.


Medanta the Medicity


Breast-Conserving Surgery In India, Breast Cancer Treatment In India, Types of Breast-Conserving Surgery, Breast-Conserving Surgery Procedure, Breast Conservation Treatment Hospital In India, Breast-Conserving Surgery Cost in India, GoMedii


Medanta is one of the best hospitals for breast cancer and breast conservation surgery in India. The hospital and its staff cater to thousands of people every day. Patients in Medanta trust healthcare offered here blindly, especially when it comes to the quality of services and medical treatment.


Fortis Hospital


Breast-Conserving Surgery for Breast Cancer Patients in India


Fortis is one of the best chains of private hospitals in India, and its service across the country is a testament to the fact. It is a multi-specialty tertiary care hospital. Apollo is one of the best hospitals for breast cancer and breast conservation surgery in India.


Max Healthcare


Breast-Conserving Surgery In India, Breast Cancer Treatment In India, Types of Breast-Conserving Surgery, Breast-Conserving Surgery Procedure, Breast Conservation Treatment Hospital In India, Breast-Conserving Surgery Cost in India, GoMedii


This hospital is one of the most recommended institutes for breast conservation surgery, especially for overseas medical tourists. Max Healthcare has been treating thousands of patients for breast conservation every year.


Breast-Conserving Surgery Cost in India


India is a hub of affordable yet world-class medical care. Through GoMedii, international patients can pursue the best breast-conservation surgery in India for roughly $2,200 – 5,000 USD*.

*Prices may vary based on various or special requirements from the patient.


International Patients Can Take Advantage of These GoMedii Exclusive Services


Besides affordable care, there are other perks of coming to India for treatment with GoMedii.


  • Visa Services ensure that the patient can focus on his journey to India for treatment.
  • Personal Relationship Manager helps patients with every step starting from their arrival into the country.
  • Interpreter Services help patients get every little piece of information, irrespective of the language.
  • Pick and Drop Services by GoMedii, to make travel in India a completely hassle-free experience.


So what are you waiting for? Contact GoMedii, your global treatment partner today!


International patients can consult the best doctors in India for breast conservation surgery through GoMedii for just $20 USD. Send us your query on our website or contact us on WhatsApp (+91 9654030724). Patients may even email us at We will get back to you as soon as possible.


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