Cervical Cancer Treatment : Early Detection Can Help

Divya Tripathi

, Treatments

Cervical cancer is cancer which arises in the cervix. Like all other cancer, it grows due to the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to spread to other parts of the body. At the early stage, typically no symptoms are seen. Over time symptoms may visible which include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or pain during sexual intercourse. Cervical cancer treatment may help to cure the growth of these cells.


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Types of Cervical Cancer Treatment:



Cervical cancer treatment depends on various factors, like the stage of cancer, other health problems, and your preferences. For the treatment doctor can use surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or a combination of the three may be used.





Early-stage cervical cancer generally can be treated with surgery to remove the uterus which is known as hysterectomy. A hysterectomy or uterus removal can cure early-stage cervical cancer and prevent a recurrence. But removing the uterus makes it impossible to become anyone pregnant.





Radiation therapy for cervical cancer treatment uses high-powered energy beams, such as X-rays or protons, to kill cancer cells. It may be used alone or with the combination of chemotherapy before surgery to shrink a tumor or after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells.





This therapy for cervical cancer treatment uses medications, usually injected into a vein, to kill cancer cells. Low doses of chemotherapy are usually combined with radiation therapy, Well, it can enhance the effects of the radiation. Higher doses of chemotherapy are used to control advanced stages of cervical cancer that may not be curable.



Follow-up Care


After you complete the cervical cancer treatment, your doctor will recommend regular checkups. Ask your doctor how often you should have follow-up exams.


Supportive (palliative) Care



It is specialized medical care which focuses on giving relief from pain and other symptoms of serious health issues. These specialists work with you, your family and your other doctors to in order to provide an extra layer of support that supports your ongoing care.



Who Treats Cervical Cancer?



Doctors on the cervical cancer treatment team may include:


  • Gynecologist: Doctor who treats the problem of the female reproductive system.


  • Gynecologic oncologist: A specialized doctor in cancers of the female reproductive system.


  • Radiation oncologist: Doctor who uses radiation to treat cancer.


  • Medical oncologist: Doctor for chemotherapy and other medicines to treat cancer.


  • Many other specialized doctors may be involved for your care as well, including nurses, psychologists, nurse practitioners, social workers, rehabilitation specialists, and other health professionals.


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Cervical Cancer Treatment Success Rate


According to ASCO, If cervical cancer detected at an early stage, the 5-year survival rate for women along with invasive cervical cancer is 92%. Around 45% of women who are having cervical cancer are diagnosed at an early stage. If cancer has spread to nearby organs or tissues and/or the regional lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is about 56%.



Side Effects of Cervical Cancer Treatment:



Side effects of radiation therapy for cervical cancer treatment can include:



  • Fatigue


  • Upset stomach


  • Loose stools or Diarrhea


  • Nausea and vomiting



  • Radiation cystitis Pelvis radiation can irritate the bladder, which can cause discomfort and an urge to urinate often.


  • Vaginal pain: External radiation can make the vagina and vulva more sensitive and sore, and causes a discharge.


  • Menstrual changes: Pelvic radiation can affect the ovaries as well, which can lead to menstrual changes and even early menopause.


  • Low blood counts: If the chemotherapy is given with radiation, the blood counts tend to be reduced and nausea tends to be worse. These side effects usually can be improved in the weeks after treatment is stopped.




As we all know cancer is spreading all over the world, there are various types of cancers and cervical cancer occurs in females only. Early diagnosis can help in cervical cancer treatment. So, if you treat any discomfort in your genitals area then don’t ignore it and consult to a gynecologist as soon as possible.

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